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About Jenkspaz

  • Birthday 11/09/1985

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Crew Dawg

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  1. Gina? Seriously? Good lord...
  2. Not dumb. Not unguided.
  3. Kind of hard to hide, now, if the Chief is actually considering it a card to be played at some point. Cat's out of the bag. And if it really isn't on the table, as the article implies, it seems that Everhart wanted to win the scare tactics game by going straight to the nuclear option, to prove that he and his friends mean business. Or at the very least, to test the waters to see if outright bullying actually works. And on another note, comments like these are appearing in almost every article about pilot retention I've read thus far: "As part of its effort to improve quality of service, the Air Force is also reducing additional duties and non-mission essential training required for pilots, and outsourcing routine administrative jobs in squadrons to allow them to fly more." Yeah, I've seen the SECAF memos, and the jobs/duties that are being cut, but I hadn't heard of nearly half of the them. And none of them seem to equate to flying more or less. We still fly the same amount of hours as we did before. Squadron Website Manager? That's a thing? I had no idea until my buddy told me he actually was the squadron's website manager. Had been for over a year. When I asked him about it, he smiled, and said "we don't have a website."
  4. Unfortunately, no, because I agree with you. There will be no forum. That's been made abundantly clear now with the threat of stop-loss. The fact that they've even whispered the idea shows how little they care about us, and that they still refuse to address the underlying problems. We're just objects, and you can't pull opinions or ideas from objects.
  5. Probably not before the meeting, but he may force us to stick around so that he can tell us all about it... Stop-Loss an Option for Air Force to Stem Pilots' Departure to Airlines "Everhart said he has already told airline executives that stop-loss is an option. 'I said to the industry... if we can't meet the requirements, the chief could drop in a stop-loss -- and you need to understand that,' he said." Lol, is he threatening the airlines?!
  6. Corpus 10-35 Drop: MC-130P RAF Mildenhall C-130 Elmendorf C-130 Little Rock x2 UAS Cannon
  7. is watching the movers scratch up the walls with his stuff.

  8. XL 10-14 Track Select 4 T-44's (1 Guard, 3 AD (ME!!!)) 2 UH-1's 6 T-38's 15 T-1's (1 Reserve, 1 Guard)
  9. XL 10-08 Track 7 x T-38 3 x T-44 2 x UH-1 10 x T-1
  10. Mythbusters calls busted to this myth
  11. That's much more believable. At any rate, I've been waiting to use this for awhile, so here goes:
  12. Nope. Best thing to do is get tested soon. If you're positive, take a handful of azithromycin, try not to scratch and scream when you pee, and for the love of god, don't be a fool: wrap your tool.
  13. Good on him. It's nice to see that, even though he went to the Zoo, he still had enough non-awkward social skills to pull that.
  14. And if they say no, we're already assuming you found a GREAT one. So at least give us a linky!
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