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McDonut last won the day on February 16 2015

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Crew Dawg

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  1. Or just put the pod on the wing and a GBU on the centerline.
  2. Personnel mismanagement seems to be a common theme across the Air Force. It's not AFPC's job to be fair, but when they it up so badly that almost everyone wants to leave it becomes an issue. At least 11F isn't under the pred gun. MC-12 had about the same on the fall vml (had almost 40 RPAs drop in one week). Not sure if the remaining pilots have received assignments yet.
  3. Continue to cause resolution advisories for everyone else in the stack. You set yourself up for it and I couldn't help it...
  4. Those T-38 grads are either going to be retained by their functional, or used to pay pred bills, while the FAIPs are dropping whatever FAIPs drop these days. Take the MC-12 for example: most T-38-to-MC-12 pilots were assigned to MQ-9s, RQ-4s, JSTARS/RJs, or UPT. A few made it out to AMC. A grand total of 1 cross-flowed to 11F. Morale of the story, AFPC has a lot of pred bills to pay before they can think about cross flowing. Plus, they want to retain their senior 11F pilots, not replace them with new blood with 2-3 years of commitment used up already. What are FAIPs dropping these days, anyways?
  5. The Chinese won't do that. They'll hack the living hell out of every space system we have and toast our sats without having to get out of their pajamas. As for the Iran drone incident example, that's like using the sole F-117 shootdown as a reason not to develop LO technology. But I still think you are right about the issue. Current drone tech wouldn't be able to pay the bill in a CDO environment, but it will someday. If we are smart about it, we will make that day happen soon.
  6. All luck and timing.
  7. Or we could deploy hundreds of LO versions of the IAI Harpy/Harp and save a ton of money, then send in a small number of LO strike for whatever is leftover, followed by a deluge of conventional.
  8. Yeah, that's exactly it. Good Kill will say it's "based on a true story", which basically means 10% rule, but worse. Cue next wave of Global Hawk baby killer protesters.
  9. Yeah, you're right, the cable wouldn't have anything to kick it up that high, but the prop would throw some serious rocks at it. I suppose you could keep it stowed, but it really should be in a better location. Tail dragger landings, it's all in the sight picture.
  10. Viewer base died when Granny D (desjardins) blocked it at the Zoo. You think being aircrew she'd be able to take a joke. Lol, that's cute.
  11. I can already see the DO screaming at the squadron, "STOP TAXIING OVER THE FREAKIN CABLES!!!"
  12. That individual worked up at the wing hq, so it's definitely not the norm. Most of the other 20-30ish t38-to-mc12 pilots didn't fare so well. Clark, you're right about the stovepipe, but I don't think it's a mentality issue - it's a manpower issue. 11F and 11R/U are critically manned. Not many pilots volunteer to go to 11R/U since it is a one way door due to manning. 11F would take more, but training capacity is too low to take anyone but UPT grads. 11S is shedding airframes, but not pilots. God knows what's happening in 11M; they can't decide if they are over manned or undermanned.
  13. The trouble is supposedly with a shortage of IFF slots, not UPT. But we still have intls going through our IFF.
  14. Totally jives. HU&W seems to be familiar with ol Mikey's bs. "Have a blessed day" isn't outright religious, it's just Southern. It's covered by free speech more than it is prohihited by sep of church and state. You'd have to ban govt employees saying "bless you" before you could ban that. The real issue is this: Mikey needs some in counseling from being bullied. He thinks he got beat up at the Academy because he is Jewish, but it's actually because of the same reason people hate him now; he's a prick. And now he wants to pay the bullying forward.
  15. You forgot an arbitrary total on there, Huggy.
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