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Everything posted by pawnman

  1. I guess we'll have to eliminate drinking off-base and start imposing curfews for all bases in Florida.
  2. I'm curious what will happen next it, once these purges are complete, sexual assaults spike instead of declining.
  3. If only the USAF realized this. I'm also skeptical that more briefings will solve the problems. I don't think we've had 700 sexual assaults because the perpetrators just hadn't been told it was wrong. How long have we been doing briefings about drunk driving and suicide? How are those rates coming along? I don't think we've seen a massive drop in either statistic despite the exponential increase in commanders at all levels gathering up the troops at 1700 on Friday and flipping through some Powerpoint slides, followed by some CBTs. This is what passes for leadership now...punishing everyone for the actions of a few. It didn't work when we were kids, why does the Air Force think it will work now?
  4. Clearly the Air Force hasn't done a lot of research on the link between porn and sexual assault (I'll give you a hint...if you allow people to access porn, they're less likely to get their jollies somewhere else) https://reason.com/archives/2007/11/05/is-pornography-a-catalyst-of-s
  5. So he got through 42 months of it, then decided "eh, I cannot possibly get through one more quarter of this". The Navy used to call this "grand theft tuition" when people would SIE from flight school the day they arrived on the base, and were promptly separated from the service.
  6. It's the logical conclusion of a long-running line of decisions, like removing the nose art from aircraft. Pretty soon, joining the military will start mandatory castrations at MEPS to ensure no one is ever sexually harassed. We've come a long way from Sherman's time: "If they won't fuck, they won't fight".
  7. So how many sexual assaults happen in the states? I wonder why we haven't implemented these procedures in the US yet...
  8. Start buying Chinese Yuan. Or maybe Yen.
  9. You also can't say you're cutting taxes when you're just renewing tax cuts you argued against in the first place.
  10. https://articles.latimes.com/2011/nov/09/nation/la-na-super-committee-20111109 Or, is Warren Buffett paying taxes at half the rate of his secretary because of his tax bracket?
  11. I find it hilarious the democrats aren't willing to just compromise by closing loopholes, which will generate more tax revenue, and insist on raising the tax rates. The top rate now is 35%, and we're collecting, what, 13%? (Off the top of my head). The GOP answer was "Well, let's collect the 35%". The Democrats' answer was "Let's raise the rate to 39%, then we can actually collect 17%". Well, we haven't had an actual budget in four years. Call me crazy, but I don't have a whole lot of faith that congress will finally do something that's even MORE difficult than passing a normal budget, with about three weeks left before they break session for the year.
  12. You mean she isn't Han and Leia's daughter?
  13. I'll be happy to comfort her when this marriage falls apart.
  14. Someone willing to hold a grudge for 17 years would certainly be willing to rifle through a few desk drawers and/or the squadron bar.
  15. Who are pulled from their primary AFSCs, leaving whatever shop they just got pulled from short another airman.
  16. When you are cutting people out of the Air Force because we are over our end-strength, yet you can't man an office more than one-deep, perhaps we should look at cutting leaf-baggers, landscapers, and "executive chefs" before we cut the last person in the comm squadron, the weather shop, or the finance office.
  17. At Pensacola, we had minimum security prisoners who did the yard work on our street. I don't think it was base-wide though...and it certainly wasn't enlisted personnel.
  18. So at what level do we no longer need our military members functioning at peak efficiency? Should captains have someone raking their lawns during ORIs? Maybe WG/CCs should have personal chefs? It's a lame answer at best that these guys couldn't afford to hire a landscaper and get the wife to make dinner.
  19. Reading through it, it sounds like someone missed MSgt and now she's bitter about it. "She adapted herself and was rewarded"...so once the rewards stopped, she assumed it was gender discrimination and decided to file a lawsuit.
  20. It's not necessarily jealousy. But in an age where we are cutting flying hours, RIFing people who want to stay (while simultaneously complaining about our retention problems), and retiring aircraft, I think a responsible leader would ask just how important is it to have a chef, leaf-bagger, on-call 737, personal motorcade, etc? We're looking for places to cut the budget, and a lot of these seem like pretty clean kills. You look at the perks these guys have, compared to what the men they are leading contend with, and tell me that it's a smart use of our money. It's also interesting to me that these guys end up with LARGER checks after they retire than when they are on active duty. For the rest of their lives. And if you really screw up, your punishment is that they announce your retirement to the media before you collect a quarter-million a year for life.
  21. How about the perk where when you really, really screw up you retire with an annual pension that's more than the average person takes home while working?
  22. I think my favorite part of the petition is where they want these people deported. When did we start deporting non-citizens? We've got 11.5 million illegals here now, maybe we should start the deportations there.
  23. Isn't that sort of what they want?
  24. Apparently. Leadership these days is less about getting results, more about CYA.
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