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Everything posted by pawnman

  1. I want an end to the pandemic. Which means people taking the most basic of steps... like wearing a mask and getting vaccinated. But since "muh freedoms" seem to be more important than common decency and basic scientific literacy, I'll take the SECDEF ramming it down the throats of people who refuse to listen to reason.
  2. That's fine. I got what I wanted. Y'all are either getting vaccinated or getting out.
  3. So in the end, the Israeli data shows exactly what the Kentucky data shows...if you already had covid, you are still better off getting vaccinated that relying on natural immunity. Because the KY study only focused on people who had already recovered from covid once, in both vaccinated and unvaccinated populations.
  4. Everyone in the US? Probably not. Everyone in the military? Absolutely. Because death isn't the only thing that will hurt our readiness. Being unable to get off a ship or aircraft in a host country due to Covid infections hurts us. Having people quarantined at home hurts us. Having people in the hospital hurts us, even if they later recover.
  5. What's the survival rate of the vaccines?
  6. Great news for the ~13k hospitalized for Covid last week.
  7. "Reduces risk of infection 91%"...not risk of symptoms, infection. The Kentucky study shows that "natural immunity" isn't as good as vaccination. The UK study shows vaccines reduce the risk of asymptomatic infection by 50-60%...asymptomatic infection, not "reduces severity".
  8. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0607-mrna-reduce-risks.html https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm https://www.healthline.com/health-news/getting-a-pfizer-or-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-can-drop-your-risk-for-infection-by-91 https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/english-study-finds-50-60-reduced-risk-covid-double-vaccinated-2021-08-03/
  9. Really? Where are those studies? Because the ones I've seen show your chances of getting Covid after the vaccine go down between 60-80%.
  10. Appreciate the recognition. Happy to help. Wouldn't it be a much better military if no one had to listen to orders from their leadership? Morale would be through the roof! "Nah, I'm not going on that deployment" "I don't want to take the PT yest anymore, so I stopped listening to the AFI" "These sweatpants are way more comfortable than my uniform. The commander tried to order me to wear a uniform, but screw that guy...probably a clueless boomer"
  11. That's what happened to that Marine...so, pretty much, yeah.
  12. Based on his latest post, I don't think that's playing dirty. If anything, that's his commander trying to build him an out that doesn't involve a court-martial.
  13. Carter had problems aside from Iran. Like gasoline shortages and a stagnant economy.
  14. Maybe...but doesn't your scenario describe every pilot who doesn't take the bonus but stays on AD? I'd be curious if retention rates match bonus take rates. I suspect they're not one-for-one.
  15. Rent is the most you'll pay to live in a place. The mortgage is the minimum amount you'll pay to own the place. Just because you're giving someone else money to live in their building doesn't mean it's the worst option. You're still getting a place to live, without the hassles of home maintenance, no worries about the market tanking, no issues trying to sell the place BVR when you move again.
  16. If the only people taking the bonus are the ones who would stay anyway... why would the Air Force keep it?
  17. By all means, make the attempt. But maybe wear your mask until the exemption goes through.
  18. First Marine booted from the service for refusing to get vaccinated or wear a mask. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/08/31/marine-corporal-discharged-over-refusal-wear-mask.html/ Good luck with those religious exemptions.
  19. Delta is going to charge employees $200/month extra for insurance if they're unvaccinated. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/08/25/1030949428/delta-covid-unvaccinated-employees-monthly-charge-200-dollars
  20. You're right. My fault for engaging another troll.
  21. Sure...must be nice to live in a fantasy land where every person has everything they need and no one is ever constrained by resources.
  22. Sick burn, bro. Musta been captain of your debate team.
  23. Probably the same liability for the peanut butter shot and the annual flu shot...slim to none. Have to apply to these folks. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/about/index.html
  24. Hey, by that token, none of us except @stuckindaytonare doctors, so this is all just a giant circle-jerk to feel good about our own arguments.
  25. 1. What does the origin of the disease have to do with VAERS data for the vaccine? 2. The Pfizer shot is no longer under and EUA and no one was forced to get it while it was. It's fully FDA approved, so now it can be mandated. Just like all those other vaccines.
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