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Everything posted by pawnman

  1. Oh, good. Now I'm a libtard for believing police should be held accountable for their actions.
  2. So...you're OK with the idea that saying things to police, unarmed, is met with enough force to put you in the hospital? Because I'm not ok with that. "Known agitator"? Maybe after the thin blue line folks did what they always do and dig up all the dirt on the victim that they can. I'd bet my next paycheck the cops who assaulted an elderly man on video had no idea who he was. One has to wonder why the military is capable of showing more concern for ROE in more dangerous situations than police are able to show for fellow Americans.
  3. Can you do IDE, do the staff tour, and decline any additional ADSC for the next PCS and retire in 3-4 years?
  4. Shit, you're right. That's way less of a factor than I thought. I was looking at the fact sheet and assumed the "2.5 x AC" was "annual compensation ".
  5. Are your MDGs telling you it's a 48 hour DNIF? Mine is. No factor because a)non-flying job and b)my MTF ran out of vaccines.
  6. JTR is federal law. It trumps AFI.
  7. On the one hand...I don't believe anything coming directly from my own email is non-attribution. On the other hand...I already have a line number to Lt Col. So not exactly afraid of a chief at any level.
  8. We're representing minorities by removing minorities. Just like when Land O' Lakes repeated history by keeping the land and removing the Indian.
  9. And the career bonus of 2.5 x annual pay at year 12.
  10. No matter how woke you are, at some point the woke mob will turn on you.
  11. Curious how they plan to square this decision with the "need for diversity" they keep pushing, given the IG report that shows minorities are more likely to be punished than white dudes.
  12. Both came out of political operatives sowing lies in order to cement their own power.
  13. And here a year ago I was told I was passed over for Lt Col because I didn't have enough "career broadening" (although on the new boards broken down by category...my time in the cockpit suddenly became valuable enough to get promoted. So I guess I win). Ah, well...guess I'll just have to console myself with my aviation bonus money.
  14. Optics. Can't preach diversity then remove your diversity hire only a few months in. Or less than a full month into the Biden administration, which also ran on a platform of diversity.
  15. I don't know why you thought that would work. Do you usually get BAH for the areas you take leave to?
  16. She'll be elected president, do a terrible job, get impeached, and attempt to get her supporters to overthrow the results when she loses her re-election bid?
  17. You're gonna need humans until AI is advanced enough to solve problems that don't have a checklist you can reference.
  18. Life pro tip... if someone is pointing a gun at you, don't tell them "go ahead". Similar incident in Abilene a couple years ago. Neighbors in a dispute over a shared dumpster. One guy comes out with a gun. Other guy says "what are you gonna do, shoot me?" First guy proceeds to shoot him.
  19. So...what do we think this will do to Biden support among the teachers unions? Biden calls closed schools a "national emergency "
  20. If only they'd dug deeper than NAF, they'd have found more qualified people who ALSO checked diversity boxes instead of someone who homesteaded at Ramstein for 15 years.
  21. It was an Ellsworth jet, but I'm sure they had three ready to go.
  22. I think the "number of people who decline the vaccine" will be the smallest factor until we have enough doses to vaccinate everyone who does want it.
  23. Again...you don't need to interview every single American to build statistical models that represent the population.
  24. Usually the least maneuverable aircraft leads a mixed formation.
  25. Could be fun. I'm already at 83 days. I could take my whole last year of Active Duty as terminal at this rate.
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