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Everything posted by SuperWSO

  1. They left of the last half of the sentence, which read,"provided we can hook together enough AA batteries to get the missile started."
  2. Damn, then I guess this won't work. I was on the way back from another TDY and saw this in the Sky Mall catalog. I thought it would be the perfect accessory for an "Undisclosed Location." Its made for bikes, but could work as a bandoleer/belt. https://www.skymall.com/shopping/detail.htm?pid=203679009&c=10811&v=&ruleId=929,934&cm_sp=Recommend-_-YMAL-_-ProductPage
  3. Yeah, and if you only squeeze the front brakes, the plane flips over.
  4. The Apathy Party will be holding their convention in May June July aw fuckit.
  5. Walk and chew bubblegum? Is that an EP for you? I've seen students who didn't multi-task well, but I think it is safe to say that the head of the US govt gets help making more than one thing happen at a time.
  6. I have no disagreement with the statements above. I have a few additional comments though. 1) I don't know how it is now, but when I was at Dyess, WSOs were picking up fewer alpha tours than co-pilots. If you get to Instructor school ASAP, that opens up the potential for DT, OT and Weapons School. I did a tour in OT at the 337th and applied to TPS, but didn't make the cut. 2) OT at the 337th rocks. You write the test plans to identify what features you want to wring out. I got to drop live versions of just about everything in the B-1 inventory (didn't get to drop CBU-87/102). There were frequent opportunities to fly with DT in combined DT/OT tests. You get to know the guys at Edwards, and you have a huge impact on future changes to the airframe/community. PM me if you have any specific questions. I'll be at Dyess starting in July and up North this Fall.
  7. Your engine gets really, really cold and then blows up like a bomb when you add LOX to the combustion process. I talked to a maintainer who laughed about watching the day they were purging a big container of LOX to clean it or make repairs. The result was a large cloud of oxygen floating away from the tank and across the road. Along comes a deuce and a half hauling a heavy load with the engine working at high RPM. The truck got to a point abeam the tanks and the engine suddenly revved out of limits and blew up. The driver had no idea what the fuck happened.
  8. Every airframe seems to have their own way to say the same thing. MSOGS on the B-1 is the Molecular Sieve Oxygen Generation System. It sucks bleed air through a zeolyte bed which soaks up much of the Nitrogen. The gas that comes out is around 80-90% O2. OBOGS is just Onboard Oxygen Generation System. Don't know if the chemistry behind the system in other jets is different.
  9. Twenty years ago, the buzz word was "Look down/shoot down". Could these guys just put on a set of Dave Clarks and cruise around below 10k doing Look up/shoot up? New defense against the F-22: initiate a rapid climb up to Class A airspace.
  10. If it was on Google Maps, why did it take so long to find him? My wife said that jokingly and I almost spit my coffee out.
  11. Marco .... Marco .... Marco .. Polo BLAM!
  12. I haven't been a big fan, but that was the Presidents best speech ever - no competition. They should have played the Team America song as he departed.
  13. ADIOS MF! To the guys responsible, this bud is for you. Its gotta be a party at the Died tonight! :drinking: :drinking:
  14. I'm in the middle of my third FSBO. We've had good luck with a combination of AHRN, and Military by Owner. In addition, get on www.zillow.com and update the info on your home. If you don't get much traffic starting out, get on the MLS listings.
  15. The THIRD time the cops were called? I'm with those who would have needed protective custody on the first attempt if it had been me. I believe pepper spray in this instance was what the Commander in Chief refers to as a "teachable moment". I bet he won't do that again for at least the rest of the semester.
  16. SuperWSO


    Covered in the USAA thread, but we quit using them too. They pissed us off on a claim for a move. Next move, they were nowhere close to a good deal on home insurance. Dropped them for car insurance too because we got a package deal from another company. I don't see us ever going back to USAA.
  17. From the AFA today... WTF? Do the dogs have to beat the min on each section to pass? Sorry Lassie, you got 80s on obstacles and weight pull, but you were two short on power fetch because you stopped to lick your balls. Do the dogs have loud, reflective outfits they have to wear?
  18. Its the only possible answer.
  19. We still tell enough stories like this one, and Pardo's push that I hope guys still understand that you always bring a brother home and then deal with the fallout.
  20. Aw come on Ol Patch, that quote was funny all by itself. Is there a group in the Air Force more known for feeling like "I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special,". Maybe F-22s have taken that role. Maybe the Thunderbirds. Having now been deemed lame, I will sulk back to my desk and continue fighting the war, one powerpoint slide at a time.
  21. Charlie Sheen: graduate of the C model Weapons School. Who knew? Best quote: https://www.cnn.com/2011/SHOWBIZ/02/28/charlie.sheen/index.html?hpt=C1
  22. My favorite was "banned" by leadership. The organization did Operational Test. The back said "Goat ropes: Its not who we are, its what we do."
  23. Sadly, you know the response. A thousand reflective belts are cheaper than the life of a service member run over by a vehicle at the salad bar in the chow hall at noon.
  24. This is along the same lines, and although it almost fits in the VSP discussion, this seems like the right spot. Row well.
  25. So there I was, minding my own business like I always do when I saw this... WTF? Woman, 20, Dies After Butt Injection at Hotel After the obvious thoughts, the next was "Haven't these women heard of fast food?"
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