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Everything posted by SuperWSO

  1. We had aerostats over most of the FOBs in Iraq. We joked at the time about trying to make it more of a public relations move by replacing the balloons with ones from the Macy's parade. We thought that a pig balloon would be a great way to let the locals know we care.
  2. You'll never get to be Captain of the USS Enterprise if you keep this up.
  3. You beat me to it. I just imagine two 23 year olds presenting to some 60 year old senior official. "We want to form the (huh-huh) Wikileaks Task Force (huh-huh). DUDE! HE BOUGHT IT - print the T-shirts!"
  4. Just think of the poor Mexican AF pilot, stuck in a container watching you from your ceiling as you eat popcorn surf Baseops. Its liable to cause an international incident unless you remove the 2 D cell batteries.
  5. After consulting a review board of 3 retired middle school English teachers, I am prepared to award CHS17 the prize for breaking the Grammar Nazi Irony curse. It appears everything is correctly spelled, punctuated as well as meeting the clear, concise and correct DLO. Congratulations.
  6. Does that mean people will be able to identify the jets responsible for chem trails? What if the developers disappear, mysteriously like Amelia Erhart?
  7. Here is what I've been seeing... Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 1048576) (tried to allocate 30923 bytes) in /home/flyingsq/public_html/forums/ips_kernel/classDbMysqliClient.php on line 465 Hope this helps with troubleshooting.
  8. Nope, that is JFCOM. JSOC actually does something.
  9. Great stories one and all. I just wondered how A and D differed from a standard Eagle debrief? I saw the shot and I took it....
  10. The video from that one was all over the news at the time. From what I recall, the outboard section of the wing separated from the aircraft during straight and level flight. At that point, a shape that can't fly without the aid of computers stopped trying and became a ballistic projectile. That one could have happened anywhere, no-one was injured, and the AIB had the added advantage of having video of the accident from multiple perspectives.
  11. Colorado Springs is not too shabby. Schriever... once you get to the top of Trash Can hill, you're in Western Kansas. The only good thing is that the portals have been replaced. Not too much else to recommend that base, and God have mercy on those in base housing.
  12. I honestly can't tell, was that a vote for shutting down all NAF's or justification for their existence? The forms said my sarcasm detector was intermittent today, so I'm just checking. After all, AOCs are a weapons system.
  13. Aw come on. Two guys in a row? I hate being the grammar Nazi, but if she has no sole, buy her a new pair of shoes. If she has no soul, hammer a wooden stake (not a steak, those are at the DFAC) through her heart. Edit: NSPlayer got there first. Must be a new sensation for him.
  14. You clearly aren't spending enough time studying boobs. Those aren't stretch marks, but a TMZ watermark on the picture.
  15. Except Ray Odierno was just given the job of closing down JFCOM. This is the guy who wore down the Iraqi insurgency. I think he can take on the Virginia congressional delegation. If money wasn't so tight, I would agree with you. Some elements may remain, but I don't think they are going to get away with keeping all the pieces under a different name/label.
  16. Now if only they could hire some Israelis to fly their hardware.
  17. I haven't always been a fan of some of SECDEFs recent decisions, but there are a few here that seem like a good start. Has anyone here thought we were being held back by an OSD staff that was too small (STS)? Its not the size of the staff, its what you do with it. Similarly, is anyone here below the rank of O-6 complaining about a lack of GO's? SES's? This one probably will be the toughest to make happen. Are you going to make all IT Joint, all contractor (unlikely given #1) On the positive side, it might help provide a more coherent network defense across DoD, and it would be difficult to make the current support for the user worse. I have never seen a study that reached a surprising conclusion or improved the quality of my job/life. For #6, if the AF Uniform board is one of the boards and commissions cut, I'll buy the first round. Imagine the improvement in combat capability if we just quit redesigning the service dress jacket. All in all, it looks like it will suck to be a contractor at Jiffycom, but maybe we can buy a few spare airplane parts.
  18. Not saying theres anything WRONG with it, but it appears that CBS 2 is being non-judgemental and Steven is meeting the standard stereotype for male flight attendants. Maybe he was just feeling a bit bitchy today.
  19. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. BQZip01 Johnson is right. OK, I was going to just walk away and take the high road, but for shit's sake, did no one notice the dudes name? Steven Cox? You could start a thread on that alone. I can't believe this guy is Cox bloxing all the other hard working fighter pilots who just need some free deoderant. Continue...
  20. This next news story is for all the single seat guys who have ever claimed they would rather have 200lbs of gas than a Nav. It now appears (according to DARPA) that the A-10 can be dramatically improved by removing the pilot. WTF?
  21. The same WOM was floating around when I did my last deployment in 2008. It was scheduled for 179, but I knew guys getting tagged again inside of 12 months. My replacement was delayed and I was in theater for 200 days. Everything I have ever seen still indicates 181+ is a short tour and will reset your return from overseas date. It worked in my case. Edit: the one trick is to take your paid travel voucher over to MPF to get your overseas return date reset. It doesn't happen automatically.
  22. No mystery there. Just figure that female Neanderthals looked a lot like the male in that picture. You would have one really pumped arm too, and it wouldn't be from hunting.
  23. This isn't a poster, but I think it is in keeping with the overall trend for this thread. Why does this never happen on any of my United flights?
  24. Holy crap! I think my organization has been infiltrated. Is there a separate field manual for countering these insurgents?
  25. Everyone has heard the jokes everybody tells about the AF guy in the BOQ complaining that "this sucks" because the cable TV is out. Be careful when you bitch about being limited to just three beers a day. I have not been to the Deid, but my last trip downrange was at a place where near beer was the closest thing you could get for six months. Yes it sucks, but keep in mind that everything is relative and it could ALWAYS suck worse.
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