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Everything posted by SuperWSO

  1. This and the arguments about operating in the Pacific. Unless something has changed, the B-1 carries twice as many JASSM as the BUFF and 30% more than the B-2. Although it wouldn't take long to fix, its also the first platform to field the JASSM-ER.
  2. DMS = Diminishing Manufacturing Source. I think that was the justification for the VSD replacement and possibly the new INS. When absolutely no one makes an Atari any more, you can get the playstation, but we usually get the PS3. When I was at the 337th, we were working the block D to Block E mod. One of the problems the AF ran into was that, by the time the SPO got done wringing out the PowerPC chips they wanted in the new ACUs, that version was no longer available. The new part had twice as much memory and ran faster, but it hadn't been tested. The AF finally had to press the "I believe" button and take the currently available part because they were stuck in a too slow testing spiral.
  3. We had also asked for it to do the conversion from voltages to actual units that would be useful - basically remove all the charts in the cits manual. That was initially too hard, but I think they were working towards incorporating that. If its like a lot of the other upgrades, the initial funding gets the hardware (however limited) on the jet. Subsequent block upgrades incorporate the actual capabilities - provide no additional hardware is required. Just had an Ellsworth jet do 3 low approaches here. I had to go out and watch, along with about 10 other people. Its been since 2002, but the ANG still misses the B-1.
  4. The system is called CITS (Central Integrated Test System). The original replacement proposal was form fit function. I believe the contractor was shamed into providing a capability that was closer to what one would expect. I've been out of the cockpit for years and the new system is coming online now, so I'll defer to someone current.
  5. Source? What are you basing your claim on?
  6. Yes. The form/fit/function replacement frequently made me want to scream. "Yes we are replacing your 1970s TI calculator display capable of 3 lines of monochrome text with a giant fucking flatscreen. The flatscreen can only show 3 lines of orange text." Working acquisitions and test will expose you to the reasons why we are going broke and don't have more capability to show for it.
  7. You were on a roll until you got to "trust the SPO". Those guys frequently need to be reminded they work for the warfighter, not Boeing or (insert your prime contractor here).
  8. Duh, he can't do any of those things. They all require hands, which we said were in his pocket. You can't turn the key with your hands in your pocket. Case closed!
  9. One of the Wing/CCs I admire most takes time to talk to the CGOs and Airmen, without the boss looking over their shoulder. The first ticket to success (mentioned above) is to make sure you get the view from the trenches. The second step, that no one has mentioned is to make sure you never ever punish someone at one of these sessions for what they say or do. Verbal corrections work, but I know of an O7 who would show up at the Nellis club to hang out with the guys, and drop paperwork on them Monday for conduct/opinions he felt were unprofessional. He single handedly turned that bar into a ghost town (2004-2006 timeframe).
  10. Wow, front row seat. I'm amazed they didn't fly dependants out.
  11. Kadena, don't they fly light grays there? I hate to stereo type, but sometimes the shoe just fits.
  12. Nice tie, but no reflective belt in sight. Clearly not cut out for the modern Air Force. He probably drank too much and made disparaging comments about loose women. How barbaric. (/sarcasm)
  13. Works great on low levels. Dial up trucker common when approaching any major road. Light burners crossing road at night and wait for the ensuing commentary. I've been described variously as a 4 ship of F-18s, a stealth and a UFO.
  14. 29B's were stupid, but you have to look at it this way; if you already lost the cosmic lottery and find yourself dead on the weekend, do you want your family to have to fight it out in court in order to get your SGLI? The 29Bs were stupid, but it was also fairly easy to print out 69 with all the relevant info plugged in and staple a google map with directions to the back. Fight the power, but not if it has the potential to screw over your family.
  15. As a recent victim graduate of the program, I can say that the stories are true, but its changed between the time Paunch and One1 were there. Hopefully it will reassure some of you to hear that the squadron leadership there when Paunch was there were both removed from command and may be facing prison time. No shit. Their deviations were so severe that it is amazing it didn't end sooner. Current buffoonery can't be explained. The 29B process is the most painful for officers but the other silly rules add to the pain. I will give the lower level leadership a thumbs up for being open to change when they were able. The stupidity seemed to come from the squadron and above leadership.
  16. That was already stated by Hispeed. Four.
  17. I've talked to 13Ns in the past and the "zero defect" assumption makes this sort of problem inevitable. There is no debrief concept in missiles. Unlike aircrew, if you made a mistake and no one caught it, you dodged a bullet. No learning occurs and problems continue to multiply until the errors are too gross to hide. There has to be some room for non-punitive feedback in order to grow and improve or things will continue to get worse. In my opinion, this defective culture is so ingrained from top to bottom that there is no way to come in and impose change that the crews will be able to believe. Everyone will continue to say what they think the boss wants to hear, while doing what they think they need to advance.
  18. I got sep pay as one of the passed over majors. USAF separated us at the end of November. At that point, I had 11 months of income plus sep pay which is about 1 year of income. That bumped my total for the year to twice what I would normally get. Uncle Sam took a large chunk back. The real FU is that they will recoup the gross amount when I retire from the Guard. Just have to look at it as an interest free cash advance on retirement.
  19. But can you really flip a guy shit for waiting outside the dressing room when he passes the time tackling robbers? That takes the situation and flips it. Bonus - the store help couldn't wait to tell wife the story. If he didn't get some later that night, there is no justice. "I though he might hurt you babe and I just snapped.." Cue 1970s funk music.
  20. Ah, so you are advocating the ICBM gnomes.
  21. This is going to be the end of the nuke triad. The level of buffoonery going on in the missile fields is going to lead to a report that says we can get by on bombers and sub launched missiles. Mothball the ICBMs, thank all the 13Ns for their time and close FE Warren, Malmstrom and parts of Vandenberg. Massive savings all around.
  22. - I once had a shot (of J. Weed) at 0830 to commemorate the Dolittle raid. - I don't have the same gusto I used to when singing the AF song. - Every year, I wear a bright green t-shirt, in uniform, on St Patricks day. Wait, never mind, I'm in the Guard now.
  23. Early Bird today says the AIB report is out. Now that I am a non-flying pogue, I don't have direct access but the part quoted in the story sounds like a normal TF letdown until a 7000 lbs puddle of JP-8 exploded and it got dark and quiet in the cockpit (when all the blower motors shut off, it gets surprisingly quiet.) https://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20131231/NEWS/312310012/Mechanical-malfunction-caused-fuel-leak-downed-B-1B
  24. You've got to be kidding me! Is this the military or fucking Sesame Street? Equal Opportunity and Treatment? I thought the military was a meritocracy, not a play group. I didn't get to be a Thunderbird, that's not fair!
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