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Clayton Bigsby

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Clayton Bigsby last won the day on July 13 2024

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About Clayton Bigsby

  • Birthday February 7

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    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Not being on fire

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  1. Soooo much quibbling
  2. It’s the Bobs.
  3. We are awaiting guidance on what to do from Agency leadership, so far nothing. I’m sure it’ll come Monday afternoon sometime giving little time to respond, oh btw I’m on leave and have no access to gov webmail, so I would have to drive an hour to the nearest facility to gain access, and I was on my scheduled bid leave all this past week so what would one say? I’m really really hoping everyone blows this off. Look man peeling you guys apart as a job sucks enough as it is, I may well lose my retirement after 16 years of doing this so I’m glad this is all working out for you. This is after serving in Mx and as Aircrew in the AF, I’ve done my time. Apologies, everyone is entitled to their opinions and votes, but we are straight up not having a good time right now. The dripping condescension from the DOGEbois is a bit much.
  4. Mode C information, ADSB is a possibility as well but the primary source is Mode C readout.
  5. What’s all this airplane talk thrunting the ‘taxation is theft!’ discourse?!?
  6. Who smelt it dealt it?
  7. Right. Totally his call.
  8. Vivek overplayed his hands with the holidays H1B visas debate and schism, annoyed T and Elmo, and is being asked politely/put on an ice floe to go be Indian somewhere else.
  9. Traditional fire season for everyone else. Mediterranean climate here, just like Chile, Australia, Spain, France, Italy, and Greece…guess what they all have in common? Big wildfire threats, outside the traditional summer forest fire spectrum. Fall and early winter is when we get the Santa Anas here, which is why Quebec 1&2 (CL-415 super scoopers) were here in the first place, they’re leased on a retainer and fly out of VNY. But on those heavy offshore wind days, all it takes is a spark and people are losing homes. I’ll read Majestik’s posts some more because those seem insightful, but I’ll just say the usual tribal politics being exhibited here are largely missing the point and aren’t helpful. Rake America Great Again is a simpleton take for SoCal. Maybe up north for the redwood forests… 14 helitankers working out of my airport, we’re doing our part.
  10. Trudeau’s just opening himself up for the Governor job. Probably gonna take some days off for a dip in the Gulf of America first.
  11. Well obviously duh /RWNJ sarcasm
  12. One of those 37mm/57mm birds or a shoulder-fired variety bird species was Pantsir S1 apparently
  13. Well…it could’ve been an airliner, full of civvies… The Russians sure do like keeping that tradition alive, on Christmas Day no less (admittedly it’s not Orthodox Christmas yet). But I’m sure it’s NATO’s fault.
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