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Clayton Bigsby

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Everything posted by Clayton Bigsby

  1. The UK - defense-cutting themselves into irrelevancy... Why bother to even have an air arm?
  2. Line up and wait has been in place throughout the FAA for a long time now, several months. Removing every reference to TIPH or position and hold and replacing it with LUAW in every pub we have has been a real peach.
  3. There's some sort of C-12J job in Kirtland too. Flight test stuff.
  4. Yeah, that's right Blatter. Gay sex is banned, but if it involves little boys, then yeah it's all good.
  5. Totally serious question - is the capability to do intercepts and enforce airspace/shoot stuff down worth keeping at all? Does it serve much of a legitimate purpose? Another question - could 9/11 have happened as it did in the days of Air Defense Command? Did getting rid of the intercept capability we had enable it to transpire? I recognize that the horse has already left the barn, but do we still need the barn door at all?
  6. Explain this triple dip?
  7. Exactly whose puppy does it kill if I wear a disco belt diagonally across my chest? For fuck's sake.
  8. Any coolness he had for a calculated 'fuck you, I quit you fuckers' was LOST when he attempted to have his lawyer leverage his fame/notoriety for a return to the job. And no, you can't return to a job where you deliberately deployed a slide without an actual emergency. They fire you when you do it accidentally, let alone maliciously. I don't personally have any beef whatsoever with gays. Having worked in an airline, I know they're a part of life (a big one in the airlines, for some reason the industry attracts a lot of them) and they're no less of a person/individual for having the gay. But I have a hard time with someone throwing what amounts to a worked up, irrational hissy fit, but then reversing course after they've had time to consider their actions. If you're going to burn a bridge...use napalm!
  9. I used to work MX @ TCM, awhile back. I believe what you're talking about are the QAR tapes, which were located in the smaller avionics compartment right below the bunks - you face it in the left CRACM seat. It's a tape, some sort of DAT or the like, so no PMA involved. The C-17 doesn't use PMAs aside from Panasonic Toughbooks used for electronic TOs (called the D-TOS), which is really just like the normal e-pubs. Nothing magical about it, just a tougher than normal laptop. It still breaks when someone, say, lets it fall when working up on the wing. Yeah that happened. I remember changing out the tapes and handing them in but don't remember who necessarily, and I think it might have been a Mx Specialist job (like Com/Nav or GAAC or something) that I did to help out with. I also didn't work with anything more advanced than the Block 15, McChord had just gotten its first COSA jets as I left maintenance. So it's possible it's something else now.
  10. It was alright. In some ways it was a movie that seemed created just to get a bunch of stars onscreen together, kinda weak on story but big ups in action, fights, explosions, guns, etc. I believe there was zero CGI in this one! If you go in looking for existentialism and deeper meaning, yeah it won't work, but if you go to be entertained by shit blowing up you'll do fine.
  11. Actually I think this is. Slides are very expensive to re-pack and rig (I've heard around 500k), so JetBlue will have a decided financial interest to go after this guy. In a way they can say it's stealing from the company, etc. Plus there's a whole host of 'air piracy' laws I'm sure they can charge him on... edit - looks like he was charged with reckless endangerment (of who? Himself?!?), and criminal mischief. Man, embodying the sterotype for sure. If only he screeched away in his Miata... Oh, it gets better! Cops found him in some gay sex at the house! link
  12. After years of working on/in that jet, I know what you mean, felt the same way.
  13. :flag_waving: thoughts and prayers!
  14. Why do AC-130s have loadmasters? Calculate W/B? Can't the FE do that? Or do you ever carry cargo, besides ammo?
  15. Happens elsewhere in US Gov't service besides the military - for probational employees in my line of work, a charge is enough to halt your training and process you to the unemployment line.
  16. Yeah TCAS RAs are handled entirely differently in the civvie/FAA sector. It's a big deal regardless of whether one party has visual contact. It's not MARSA, besides, don't you have to ask permission for that?
  17. I'll support prior mil politicians regardless of party provided I agree with their personal political platform and that they show a willingness to divert from the party line. But as soon as they end up like Murtha, I'm out.
  18. Army Guard Captain running for Neil Abercrombie's US Rep seat in Hawaii. Abercrombie is running for Governor...
  19. I'm a big fan of profanity.
  20. Considering Iraq is largely over, I find it incredulous people don't support kicking more ass in Afghanistan. It's always the same, tired, weak-ass anti-Iraq arguments people use to oppose anything going on right now.
  21. Yeah because the parking isn't fucked up enough back there...
  22. Why isn't this thread pinned? Meanwhile M2 and like 2 other people carry on conversations in the gun thread...
  23. Try www.allsp.com Should be every season/episode, ever. Streaming. Lots of annoying pop-ups but worth it I think.
  24. I recommend you stop being such a faggot Seriously, get bent. Spewing party line is lame.
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