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Everything posted by BTLFlyer

  1. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/uga-campus-death-nursing-student-killed-while-jogging-on-uga-campus.amp Illegal Venezuelan who crossed over in 2022. Arrested in NYC and released. This will be a weekly occurrence soon.
  2. 75k a year bonus would be nice. Do you think this has any chance of passing?
  3. MQ-9 IP/EP here.. Just got my name thrown in the hat for AIS.. Can anyone give me the low down for a UAV pilot attending and if any prepping is necessary to be successful at this course... Thanks.
  4. This is Biden's America now.
  5. Just coming on completing my 6yr 18X commitment. I'm AGR ANG. I'm thinking of signing 12 year 35k bonus because I plan on doing 20yr. Does 18X qualify for the 100k up front for 12 year? Would it be smarter to just sign 8 year?
  6. Looking to do a VA IRRRL.. currently at 4.25% on a fixed 30 year. I was looking at options and saw USAA pays all fees including the Funding Fee and is at 3.125%... any gimmicks with this? I know USAA is general is not the best when it comes to mortgages... but if I don't have to pay anything.. sounds good to me.
  7. Where can I find the ANG bonus guidance for 19'? Thanks!
  8. 18x ANG pilot... I'm looking for a job opportunity that I can do from home on my off days that is flexible and pays decent. Can dedicate 20+ hrs a week.. Anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Thanks!
  9. I'm currently on a 240 day PCS order set that consists of MPA days. I've been told I'm entitled to a PCS move which I thought was fantastic since I am moving next month and started the paperwork for the local PCS move. However, the lady that is processing the paperwork told me I am not eligible since my orders don't have Household Goods accounting line on them. Do I have any recourse or am I pretty much SOL? Thanks!!
  10. I'm currently on a 240 day PCS order set that consists of MPA days. I've been told I'm entitled to a PCS move which I thought was fantastic since I am moving next month and started the paperwork for the local PCS move. However, the lady that is processing the paperwork told me I am not eligible since my orders don't have Household Goods accounting line on them. Do I have any recourse or am I pretty much SOL? Thanks!!
  11. I will be going to Syracuse later this year and wanted to know what to expect at IQT there. What's a typical day like? How many academic tests? How long is academics? What is typical sim schedule like? Any wiggle room for scheduling or random each day. Any good material to look at prior to going? Thanks for feedback
  12. Quick update... Almost a year has passed and it has gotten worst. I have had four random urinalysis tests given, and each time I am unable to go with someone watching me. Each time it has amounted to the DPRM not knowing what to do as it seems the AFI44-120 Attachment 13 is not well known as some have never seen it before. Even with supplying all the medical paperwork to support my issue, it seems to be a up hill battle with this condition. I have seeked medical help, but it seems my issue is on the severe side. I'm hoping the Air Force will find a better way to deal with this as I know I am not the only one. Each time it has taken 4+ hours to clear up and it has been embarrassing and time wasting.
  13. Thanks for the answers! Does anyone have a link to the RPA pilot blog that documents the journey through RIQ?
  14. Hey All, Heading out to RIQ next week...Had a couple questions. What are the hours during the week to expect? Are there any good study materials to look at before the class? What week do you start simulator work? Any other information would be great!! Thanks!
  15. I am not taking the family. Has anyone stayed in the Pit Pads in the Randolph Area?
  16. I will be TDYing to Randolph for roughly 4 months. I am married and have the option of living on or off base. Would you guys recommend renting a room out out of someone's house off base or sticking to base lodging? I've heard traffic can be horrendous in San Antonio so I would like an easy commute if living off base. Thanks for the help!
  17. Thanks for the information.... Would UAV fundamentals or SERE be required as well?
  18. If an RPA pilot goes to UPT instead... What can you expect as far as training pipeline and any othe general knowledge? Thanks ANG
  19. I heard that they are going to fill UPT slots with RPA pilots now... Can anyone confirm? I thought all RPA pilots are going through URT now.
  20. Does anyone know if there are any current signing bonuses for 18XX RPA pilots? I have heard there is 20k bonus, but wanted to get confirmation... Thanks!
  21. Anyone else heading out there for 15-02? I'll be there Saturday afternoon... a good meal and beer is needed for dinner!
  22. Will be coming to Randolph in Late January for 4 months for RPA training.... As of recent, what are the best options for housing off base? I am married but will be traveling alone. so a one bedroom/studio is all I need which needs to be close to base (within 15 min). Would staying at the on base hotel be a good idea or is not the best accommodation?
  23. Any recent grads from 15-01 have any feedback, hints, changes for the next class? Anyone know a good place to pick up a Air Force Green Fleece? I don't see one on the BX and there are a lot of different styles out there.. I want to make sure I get the right one.. THANKS!
  24. Just some quick questions as I will be leaving next month to go to AMS. For Mess Dress - Being a non-prior, do I need to bring any badges or medals? My VMPF indicates I have no ribbons or awards. What type of shoes do you recommend for Mess Dress that don't require polishing? What phase/times do you have access to the gym and is it equipped well? Is it still the norm to make the bottom bunk and sleep on the top to avoid making bed, etc and only showcasing one item and keeping the rest in the laundry bin? How is the wifi in the dorms? Is it monitored for Skype/Facetime during Phase 1? Is it the norm to have just one set of boots or do most people bring two? Thank you very much for the help!
  25. Thanks for the response. At any time during AMS after Phase 1 are you allowed to use your personal computer to Skype with family or is internet usage restricted throughout all 7.5 weeks?
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