Dude pick the hog. You will get down to 500ft on your 8th ride in the jet, shoot the gun on the 13th ride and pretty much every sortie from that point on. You can also loiter high and drop jdams/lgbs for hours on end. The c model has amazing capes and will be around for a long time. We deal with the army, marines, special forces, and any grunt on the ground who needs our assistance.
Sure its slow and it sucks at bfm....but can you find any other negatives?
You realize after flying the Hog that it wasn't built to go fast, fly formation, go on cross country, shoot multiple inst approaches, or do all kinds of cool aerobatics. It was designed to fly low, carry a metric shit ton of weapons and kill any fucking thing on the ground....period dot. Thats what it does, and thats what we train for.
easy decision imo