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Everything posted by fueL2Fight

  1. But it's not.... It's hard to dismiss when it's GS13s & 14s and plenty of active duty in roles of responsibilities... Are you going to ban it? Probably can't. But man, it's not great to be dismissive about it.
  2. You can see why people would make the connection though right...? Capitol rioters carried a rebel flag with them onto the Senate floor and every tenth car that comes through Hurlburt has a rebel flag.... I mean even Archer stopped using "ISIS" after it became associated with extremism.
  3. That seems like a bureaucratic technicality. You wore the rank for 18 months, you have pics. The USAF can't control what you put in your shadow box. Sure the paperwork might say the lower grade, but you can still put the silver oak leafs on your retirement tchotchkes, right?! No one is stopping you other than red tape conscience. If I saw someone wear Lt Col rank till his/her last day, that's how I'll think of them at the VFW bar....?
  4. https://articles.latimes.com/2009/oct/28/world/fg-bombs-vision28 This has always been intriguing to me. While diversity is not just cultural diversity, cultural diversity is an obvious way to quantify and check for it.
  5. If you're considering Destin, make sure you factor the Brooks Bridge construction that is coming.... Downtown Fort Walton Beach is great if you have no kids. It's open container Thursday thru Sunday, Art Walks, Farmer's Market, Bars, and a few restaurants. Very walkable. Very good compromise over the bridge construction that may take years. I stress DOWNTOWN Fort Walton Beach (Entertainment district), not greater Fort Walton Beach. There's still some gentrification to complete. The work continues.
  6. A word of caution beyond what's in the FCG.... Most of the quick ferries from Algeciras go to Ceuta which is a Spanish territory on the African continent. If you're just looking to "touch Africa" to say you were in Africa this is a good choice, since you're technically still in Spain and no need for that pesky theater clearance bullshit (also cheap cigarettes). If you're looking to get your passport stamped for Morocco, this is still a viable option since there's a border crossing from Ceuta into Morocco. The moment you get off the ferry in Ceuta there are even helpful (pushy) tourist guides promising to get you to Morocco for a quick lunch and then back. BEWARE! Once you cross into Morocco through a very sketchy looking border crossing, on your way back you will be told that Morocco requires a minimum 12/24 hour stay and that if you want to return before that, you will need to pay a bribe. Also, beware of reap idly changing sea conditions that could strand you on the African side. If you're TDY and have duty the next day, you may be trapped and need to miss duty. If you have no such constraints and you want to stay in Morocco for a while, then you don't need my advice. Enjoy.
  7. There are other accompanied tours that have include tax-free for years… Saudi Arabia tours come to mind
  8. Skinny and Rainman are right. Take the truck with you to Germany. If you find having a truck inconvenient (it CAN be), you can sell it to a farmer for a pretty good amount of money. Selling a car to a local in Germany isn't as big a deal as other European countries like, say, Spain. Then a year later you can buy yourself a discounted BMW M3 and bring it back with you to the US, sell it for a profit, and get yourself a new truck.
  9. I agree with stiffler except i don't think everyone there is critical to warfighting. I'd gladly take fewer services and comforts in exchange for sending nasty, confrontational shoeclerks away. I don't need someone to check out DVDs at the hotspot or be a worthless first shirt/supt for a second useless squadron-split-into-two-so-we-can-have-a-group. We don't need the FP'ers. Honestly, they are actually counter productive. I do less work less enthusiastically whenever they show themselves. I can't help it. They can DIAF and i would rather get blown up than have to hear them berate the status of my shirt tuck. The place feels like the goddamn air force academy.
  10. I think you've been having some gay-ass conversations!
  11. stellar reporting as usual! That's only 4 helos...
  12. ...pending PKK dips....
  13. Not sure who "The Who" is, but I know U2.... As for new routing.. check it: From Ramstein, go AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, ROMANIA, BLACK SEA, GEORGIA, ARMENIA, IRAQ.... BAM! PRoblem solved. Hope the thought of RON'ing in those awesome countries didn't completely rock your faceoff. ###### Turkey and their must-be-signed-in-blue-ink NATO orders....
  14. The Armenian genocide bill is not out of nowhere. Fans of System of a Down know that there's been an ongoing effort to get this genocide recognized in congress for some time. It's too bad we waited this long. Damn the Turks. Fly through Romania/Black Sea/Georgia, the RONs would be way more fun.
  15. dude, you need to give more details. single and married are almost two different worlds. some of the advice they're giving for marrieds is 180 degrees from singles. If you're married you'll live in a quaint village and wait for death. single you should live in downtown k-town and if the housing listings don't have something awesome above a bar then DEFINITELY pay the realtor fee. There are some amazing apartments that housing will never show you and you'd be missing out. Space-A for a single dude? Yea right. RyanAir is about $80 and you can drink and have access to public transport as you step off the airport. not as good a deal if you have rugrats i guess. rick steves IS cool as shit, but also consult the HEDONIST GUIDE TO series. All the best and most expensive restaurants, clubs, casinos, brothels, bars, and even hunting (limited in europe). where to go to rent a ridiculous car for the weekend. married guys will find the prices prohibitive, but you'll have a blast checking the places out. get the bahncard 50 from either on base reisburo or at the train station. saves you 50% off the last minute fare to anywhere in germany. saves you a TON of money and actually makes taking the train to big cities affordable. get the RAILPLUS for an xtra 15 euro to have similar deals in neighboring countries. good for a year. if you're thinking about getting married before coming here.. don't. chicks are hot as hell.
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