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Everything posted by huckleberry

  1. Two positions on the street right now. MVA #021-18 is a flying position for an 11F/12F. MVA #020-18 is a non-flying position for an 11F. Both close out on 7 December. Your primary job is a planner. For the flying position you are generally allowed to go TDY a week a month to the unit of your choice for currency. Feel free to send a PM if you have questions. https://www.125fw.ang.af.mil/Careers
  2. Two positions on the street right now. MVA #118-17 closes out on 5 October, and MVA #125-17 closes out on 25 October. Both are flying positions. Feel free to send a PM if you have questions. https://www.125fw.ang.af.mil/Careers
  3. Application close out is 21 Sep 17 https://www.125fw.ang.af.mil/careers/ job posting AIR 118-17
  4. This just got extended to 6 June, and is now open to both 11F and 12F. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  5. Close out is 24 May 2017 https://www.125fw.ang.af.mil/Careers/ Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  6. Why does 36-3205 only say "enlisted separation date must be between 90-180 days from application date"? What about officers? Or does that rule apply to officers as well? Also has everyone else been told for Traditional Palace Chase that the DOS needs to be at least 120 days out vs the normal 90? I was told that by both my 11U functional at AFPC and by my ISR. I'm not really sure if it's a hard and fast rule, or just AFPC's preference.
  7. So I am considering applying for PC later this year (11U). I've been wondering if there would be any advantage to applying for a DOS before or after the Fiscal Year turnover. Meaning, due to money constraints, would they be more likely to approve the PC at the end of FY13, or at the beginning of FY14?
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