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Everything posted by dkc0820

  1. MC-130E Combat Talons belong to the 711th at Duke and are AFRC. The MC-130P is indeed active duty at Eglin, Mildenhall, Kadena, and Kirtland (training). There are also a few Shadows at Moffett Federal that belong to the Guard.
  2. THREAD REVIVAL!! I'm a nav type finishing up mission qual at Nashville (I was asked to volunteer to leave LR and do my LL flying phase at Nashville) and am going to Shadow follow-on training next month. Just hoping someone currently or recently there could shed some info on how long the training timeline is right now. Are academics/sims taught by civilian instructors and flying taught by AD guys? Is there a lot of free time like there seems to be at LR? I had a Lockheed instructor at Little Rock tell me that the MC school house is a big helmet fire, wondering if this is true? Also, where are people currently staying off base if they refuse government quarters? Just hoping to get some up to date info. Thanks for the help guys!
  3. This is not true. I just dropped an MC-130P on the nav side three weeks ago (my class didn't have EWO drops). They also drop the W model about every other class.
  4. No star, he is retiring after he is done at the Academy. Just shoot him an email. I recently did to thank him for all the help he gave me and to let him know that since he left my det I have commissioned and started nav training. He was excited and will probably tell you the same thing he told me..."it makes him happy to see 2Lt after your name." No worries.
  5. Col Mintz was my CC back at the det when I was in ROTC. Great guy...he is now the AFROTC NW Region CC at the Academy.
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