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Everything posted by Butters

  1. Yes, he did the one thing the designers never thought someone would do.. change configuration (retracted slats) while low and slow in a high AOB turn. HAL was bitching the entire time, but the crew had become desensitized to the warnings.
  2. AMC does not have a pulse, yes this article has a lot to do with our recent buffoonery, and thank you for cleaning up some of that buffoonery. Fly safe tomorrow... Oh, and just because you have to fly a jet with holes in it across the country, gear down, unpressurized, does not mean I am buying you a fucking beer next time you are in town. OK, I will buy you 2 beers and I will let you drive the boat.
  3. Point you guys are missing is the fact that there are usually more than 2 aircraft in the air around the world at any given time. Therefore, the aircraft you have in sight might not be the one causing the RA. it is the aicrft you don't see that kills you sometimes. This is why the invented TCAS. It is not perfect, but better than the alternative.
  4. Yes, $725,569 is what airline pilots make in a month.
  5. You guys are fucking hilarious. I will tell you what I tell my 4 and 2 year old. BE PATIENT! When the 6.9 year $725,569 bonus is official and stop loss is OFFICIAL, all you questions will be answered. Until then, just keep screaming about how unfair the world is.
  6. At Home in the Sky: Remembering Major Mike Freyholtz
  7. You guys are missing the point. The stripper is not about retention, it's about preventing sexual assault by giving you an outlet. Similar to a punching bag for anger issues. Oh yeah, the stripper could end up bring a dude. Never trust big blue.
  8. I just want the stripper.
  9. Have you given any thought to the possibility that there is no 10 year bonus? I believe the quote from jstarsshag was "I have no clue if this is complete B.S." A guy in my office said his sister heard the bonus was going up to 120,569 per year for 6.9 years and you get you very own personal stripper.
  10. Butters

    Gun Talk

    It took forever, but I finally received my 15rd Magazines for my Glock 19. Old one lasted 22 years, went ahead a replaced the others since I am sure they are not far behind.
  11. Yeah, people said the same thing about blacks before integration. Are you implying that an internet discussion is hampering the investigation?
  12. At the least the PM said it was terrorism and not "work place violence" or "road rage".
  13. Yeah, I thought is was ok for gays to fly now.
  14. I thought I was being just the right amount of asshole, but point taken. The guy asked if he can leave active duty, go Guard/Reserve and still get the bonus. Well, the majority of positions in airlift Guard/Reserve units are not AGR. So the answer is no.
  15. So are you saying AGR slots grow on trees and everyone can get one? In every airframe?
  16. Well, everyone needs to be more specific then. I know more than a few dudes that rolled right off AD into TR spots. Oh, and they are bumming because the airlines have not returned their calls.
  17. Yes, only if you are AGR, and that is not what he asked. A TR cannot take the bonus.
  18. Nope. (unless you go AGR)
  19. Wait, I thought we couldn't go around because of the "threat"? You know, the threat from Al-Qaeda. I think in the past 10 years Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Afghanistan has done bout 4 million dollars worth of damage to USAF aircraft, "we" on the other hand have done close to 800 million. Know your threats!
  20. I hear the airlines are hiring.
  21. Well, it has worked. Same crew has not fucked up twice. Except that one time.
  22. Maybe you should ask the FE what the D stands for in TOLD.
  23. That is my point, it is not really hard. So what went on the flight deck when you touch down and the threshold is still a 100 feet in front of you. Like a said, there are more than a few tire marks very short of the landing zone. You do not have to be amazing to fly the C-17. It helps, I know from experience. However, we take inexperienced pilots out all the time and IPs that are doing their job say something called "go around" when they are going to land short or long. Landing 300 feet short on a training sortie is not something a crew should accepted as good enough.
  24. For you C-17 guys out there, next time you stop by your local LZ check out the amount of tire marks that start way before the threshold of the LZ. I have seen nose wheel marks prior to the threshold of 27 at Moses Lake. Luckily it has a very nice paved under run. I have alway wondered how bad you have to screw up to land out of the zone by an aircraft length. With or without the HUD.
  25. Not just the CVR, but the HD Video that combat camera made from the Left Additional Crew Member seat. CVR was limited since it turned off when the engines did. AMC made the call for safety guys. Not sure if they would to that for a NATO C-17.
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