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Everything posted by Butters

  1. Yes, and a great bunch of guys they are! We are right behind them in 6 months.
  2. No, he was getting promoted to Capt and was not planning on going to the Deid, therefore did not bring any whith him, my point was why they have none, but do have over 20 sets of Command Chief rank.
  3. No jsut a stage, I have just managed to avoid it by luck for that long.
  4. Wait so you are saying he was blacklisted from the Deid?? How is that a bad thing? Also, I doubt he wanted that job back home anyway.
  5. DAMIT! I thought with was going to be another good Obama thread!
  6. Any word on when they are going to start prorating HFP? I keep hearing they are and it never happens.
  7. Were you wearing your reflective belt?
  8. Well, I have returned to the Deid after a 3 year absence. WOW, this place still sucks. Leadership is still losing the war on Graffiti, but that is not important, this is what really bothers me. I just noticed I am the only one out here wearing reflective PT gear without a reflective belt! Yes, this includes the Navy, not sure where they came from or when, but you can’t swing a dead cat around here without hitting one. Anyway, I have yet to be approached by anyone trying to correct me on my lack of additional reflectivity. So, is it not required? Does no one care? Hell, maybe they can’t see me! It is also May. What happens in May? Yes, a lot of Air Force Officers, rated and shoes alike, get promoted. Now if anyone came to the Deid and forgot to bring their new rank they would quickly find they have a problem. The BX does not sell Officer rank anywhere on this base, none! However, they do have 22, counted them, 22 sets of Command Chief Master Sergeant rank. The must promote them like crazy out here. The BPC (Better People’s Complex)is a nice addition. I am surprised they don’t have some sort of policy limiting the number of transients and other riff raff that are allowed to cross the fence into their country. Also forgot to bring my own plunger.. seems 3 out of every 4 toilets here are plugged up… must be the food.
  9. Once you go TCAS, you never go back! Or something like that.
  10. Thanks! I was about to ask... "Ah, Hell, what did we hit this time?" If you do not know what LOSA (Line Operations Safety Audit)is I guess you have not done your Phase II CRM Refresher Training. Why do we keep insisting on taxiing C-17s into things? Once again! Telling everyone what a C-17 hit does not violate privilege! Telling everyone what one of the crew members said about how they hit it is! For me privilege isn't, you do!
  11. No, things have not changed. Everything you said is 100% accurate.
  12. I have said it once and I will say it again. Yes, there is a difference. Sober people kill more people than drunk drivers so back off. My uncle was killed by a sober driver so I hate all of you damn sober driver out there.
  13. Jesus, you guys are once again forgeting that more sober people kill people on the highway than drunk people. Also, many accidents caused buy what MADD says are drunk people (>.1) probably would have gotten in the same accident if they were sober. Sometimes shit happens on the road drunk or not. If that were not true sober pepople would never get in accidents. "Oh, but your reaction time is reduced when you are drunk!" So what, maybee he had no time to react so a reduced reaction time makes no difference. So, I am DUI on highway. If you want to do the speed limit, get the fuck out of my way!
  14. Butters

    C-17 Nordo

    Really? Half the time? Don't think so. There is also a backup radio that works fine with a duel CNC failure. It even works on COSA as well.
  15. The entire C-17 crew is back flying. The 2 front seaters on the B-1 last I heard were done. The PIC is definitely done and that was not his 1st accident attributed to pilot error. Now the co-pilot was screwed because he took the go-pill that he admitted no being ground tested for, so that is a little more than just 1 simple mistake.
  16. A Capt in my Squadron said if you want "support" on this base buy a jock strap.
  17. Let's not! I have only been a safety officer for 10 years and internet specualation and never once kept me from doing my job. It was either caused by Al-Qaeda, the stimulus package or the Democrats.
  18. You forgot "2 CACs, one slot"
  19. Doesn't the second C in CAC stand for card? The proper usage is, “you will need a CAC to post.” This is why I said a long time ago they just need to rename the damn thing the Secure Access Cipher Key.
  20. You mean this one? Locations: MTPP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Current as of: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 15:01:00 GMT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTPP TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE INTL [back to Top] No active NOTAMs for this location.
  21. Prior to 9-11 pilots had a 8 year ADSC. They were not being "pulled into" they were running in a flat out sprint for the airlines. The war of the 90s (Clinton Administration) was tough on a lot of guys and they wanted out. I will not go into it but there is more to the bonus than pure retention, it is primarily used to predict (poorly) future manning. Pilots these days in the C-17 community are going in all directions; airlines, reserves, BOEING (flying or sims), marrying into money followed by school, starting businesses with the MBAs they decided to get on the AF's dime and so on.
  22. From Wikipedia: “Jokes are typically for the entertainment of friends and onlookers. The desired response is generally laughter; when this does not happen the joke is said to have "fallen flat".”
  23. This is why I say get rid of the T-38 and all fighter guys should go through T-1s. This way everyone will get propper CRM and grammer training!
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