Well, I have returned to the Deid after a 3 year absence. WOW, this place still sucks. Leadership is still losing the war on Graffiti, but that is not important, this is what really bothers me. I just noticed I am the only one out here wearing reflective PT gear without a reflective belt! Yes, this includes the Navy, not sure where they came from or when, but you can’t swing a dead cat around here without hitting one. Anyway, I have yet to be approached by anyone trying to correct me on my lack of additional reflectivity. So, is it not required? Does no one care? Hell, maybe they can’t see me!
It is also May. What happens in May? Yes, a lot of Air Force Officers, rated and shoes alike, get promoted. Now if anyone came to the Deid and forgot to bring their new rank they would quickly find they have a problem. The BX does not sell Officer rank anywhere on this base, none! However, they do have 22, counted them, 22 sets of Command Chief Master Sergeant rank. The must promote them like crazy out here.
The BPC (Better People’s Complex)is a nice addition. I am surprised they don’t have some sort of policy limiting the number of transients and other riff raff that are allowed to cross the fence into their country.
Also forgot to bring my own plunger.. seems 3 out of every 4 toilets here are plugged up… must be the food.