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Everything posted by Butters

  1. I think I know what your problem is:
  2. Does anyone at the Deid know why the 17th sucks and needs to be rescued by McChord? Seems the 17th can't do their damn job and needs a few crews from McChord to bail them out. Guess they do not have enough reflective belt monitors.
  3. Something is goin on. I am at McChord and I can not post from my work computer anymore, view only.
  4. He was referring to High Speed below 10,000 ft. Can 130s even exceed 250 kts?
  5. No, I think it is a simulated virtual flight. They don't want to waste vUSAF server time training for actual simulated missions, so they are simulating them instead.
  6. Dude, just file to OTBD then VFR to OTBH.
  7. You forgot democrats and airbus!
  8. My better link Subject: A380 Sucks - FedEx
  9. Tell this student to call ALPA and ask them why this will never happen.
  10. McChord may have rain and hippies, but it also has Boeing and Microsoft. Boeing and Microsoft, along with America and freedom, pretty much rule.
  11. Hell, I thought Florida State was going to be a "Weapons System" in the ACC this year. Thanks for ruining my day CH! Can't an FSU grad catch a break. Oh wait, I did this is a CT of my spinal fracture last June.
  12. Learn to spell, then worry about the waist.
  13. Yes, everything you are hearing is true. My wife is a reservist the TCM and they think a lot of people who are eligible to retire will go ahead and do it to keep others from getting fired. They would rather do it this was since this gets rid of about 80% of the O-5s in these squadrons. We will see what happens, they do seem to be serious.
  14. Well, that settles it. I am moving to your neck of the woods!
  15. 2 Can't get past the Hussein Obama ass staring video.
  16. If you are still young, meaning second assignment you should not have any problem. However, it is all timing. There are guys who don't get to do airdrop that have been at airdrop bases. Never hurts to ask. I did... They said no! I will admit, it hurt a little, but I am old and busted, they want the new hotness in airdrop!
  17. Thank you very much for the info! It has been 2 weeks and I am off the pain meds. My last visit to the Orthopedics clinic was good news. Fracture healing nicely. I will definitely use the "symptom free" quote. Also I never had any tingling or pain shooting down the leg, which is nice.
  18. Thank you, getting hit by a car is now on my list of this things that really reall suck!
  19. Well, the Spine thread is not where really want to be posting right now, but since I fractured my L1, I have now choice. In an effort to stay Fit to Fight or Fit for Freedom.. not sure what the current AF catch phrase is... I have been riding my bike to work 3 days a week. Well, last Tuesday. 30 Jun, I was hit by car that swerved into the center turn lane I was in to pass a car that was making a turn into a driveway. Well, I ended up in an Ambulance with a broken back. Docs told me it would probably be 3 months before I could return to flying. Anyone have any experience with L1 fractures? What do I need to get off DNIF as a C-17 pilot? Also, how long until I can move around without this really uncomfortable back brace and crutches.
  20. Where in the hell did you get the feeling that and AFB was safe. The only place my boat ever had 40 gallons of gas stolen from it was in the middle of the secure base RV storage lot for "Air Force Families".
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