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Everything posted by osulax05

  1. 2 I understand that when you are in training that there may not be a lot of free time available for leave and time off. But when you do have time off, why should you be restricted to base or otherwise be told what you can/cannot do? Perhaps they have had issues with guys getting in trouble off base which has ruined it for everybody else. Either way it is total BS. My brother is AD Army and is getting ready to deploy (again) and he has had the opposite experience. They did their spin up and were "certified" but has now been sitting around with nothing to do at work for the last month and a half waiting to go. It is awesome for married folks to get time with their family before they go but sucks for single guys stuck in the barracks with nothing to do but wait, especially considering the real garden spots the Army has for bases.
  2. Don't forget the side of that mountain at 12 o'clock.
  3. An inexperienced IP should not be sitting back with his arms on the rails during a rejoin, nor should any IP. One of the only things that will kill you in an instant at altitude is another jet. IPs should be extremely guarded during that phase of flight. If he was really doing that then it is a foul and it's not surprising he F'd up and shut the motor down in a panic. /Disclaimer. This is just my observation. I'm not trying to make a point about this incident. The only thing that came close to scaring me in the jet at UPT was flying formation with a certain IP. He thought formation was the time to get up there and have fun. He flew rejoins with way too much aspect and Vc and more often than not had to do a quarter plane to avoid a massive overshoot and thought he was flying BFM during ET Level III. He was the most mellow and cautious guy on any other sortie but when it came to formation he was a complete dip shit. The shit really hit the fan when he had to do a lag roll on the RTB to avoid a mid-air with the DO in the other a/c. I also noticed this in a few other pilots though not to this extreme. I agree that formation flying is a blast. But in my limited time at UPT it seemed like some IPs had the wrong mindset about formation. Formation flying is a means to accomplish the mission. It is admin. It is not THE mission and it certainly isn't about shining your ass and trying to see who can be the most aggressive. Most of the IPs I flew formation with at UPT were a lot less aggressive with the airplane and low and behold were able to complete rejoins quickly and without attracting flight lead's attention. Isn't that the point? Anybody else see stuff like this?
  4. Pure gold. We need a metric shit-ton more of that line of thinking in the AF.
  5. As SurelySerious already pointed out, it is FAA guidance not to mention (un)common sense. I understand that we as aircrew members are required to know any/all regs regarding the operation of our A/C. But what does it say when we need a reg to tell us that wearing headphones and playing with 6-9 electronic devices isn't a good idea during T/O and Landing?
  6. This shooting is a tragedy and my prayers are with the victim's families. I gotta agree with vertigo as well.
  7. Not using an MP3 player for T/O and Landing has little to do with any electrical interference it might cause and a lot to do with your ability to emergency ground egress. Do you want your exit from a bad situation slowed down by someone who didn't hear the instructions to egress? Not me. An emergency ground egress from an airline would be crazy enough with all the jackasses on the plane trying to get out ASAFP, why add barriers to it?
  8. You can claim Texas as your state of residence and then owe whatever taxes Texas would have you pay. I'm not familiar with the tax laws of Texas so I can't say what you would owe (if anything) but yes, you would avoid Ohio's taxes. The idea behind the law wasn't for military spouses to avoid state taxes but to simplify things for military families who up until now had to maintain two state residencies and deal with all the ass pain that involves (sts).
  9. Correct, spouses can now claim the same state of residency as the military member. My wife had to fill out a form from Oklahoma to give to her employer in AZ. They basically changed her withholding status to exempt. They were not familiar with the new law so it took some explaining before they got on board. In a military town they should be familiar with it by now though. Spouses may still owe taxes on their income though (state dependent obviously). In this case you will either have to set aside what the taxes would have been and pay that amount at the end of the year, or make periodic tax payments to the state so you are not surprised come tax time.
  10. I'm supposed to start tomorrow... the WX might have something to say about that though. As far as time in the viper goes, I don't meet the vol 1 criteria for an early upgrade.
  11. Thanks for the info, brother.
  12. I'm new to the -130J world (formerly flew vipers) and headed to ETAR this summer. I am trying to get smart on what to expect as far as mission, lifestyle, assignments, etc. -What is the current deployment schedule look like? -Do ETAR crews deploy just like everybody else or do they take more trips than deployments? I understand if you guys don't want to address that one here. -Are Co's upgrading to AC at min time or is there a back log? -Are assignments still 4 years? -What are typical 2nd assignments? Ops to Ops, UPT, etc. -Is the plan still to stand up 2 squadrons at DYS followed by another at LRF? Thanks, and looking forward to getting into Tac Airlift!
  13. Yeah it is for only one of the DITY's... I had to go back after I posted the question to make sure I wasn't a dumb ass. Turns out I'm not, at least not in this case. Good call about TMO, I'll call them next. Edited because TMO was even less help (go figure).
  14. I PCS twice in 2010 but only received one travel W2. I talked to finance and they had no clue what the issue might be or who to contact to get the issue addressed. Their exact words, "well if you only got one W2, just go with that for your taxes." No thanks, I'll wait until you ass hats get it right. Anyone ever experience this or have insight as to what finance should be doing to fix it? I'm looking at you finance guy. Thanks!
  15. Zoomies, Toro shut the other thread down so that you would read these threads, not just post the same question. Edited to add: WTF is with sending zoomies to deployed locations? If people there have enough time to babysit these kids then there are too many people there and they should start sending people home. I vote for the disco belt Nazis.
  16. I agree with learjetter, if you try to learn the "why?" behind things as opposed to just memorizing numbers and procedures you will likely perform much better because you have a more thorough understanding of what you are doing. Also, this is the only time in your career where your only job is to (learn how to) fly. Take advantage of it and build a solid foundation that will last you your entire flying career.
  17. I think you are missing the point. We will likely see quite the opposite, IFF will get more intense (both syllabus and jet performance/avionics) before it goes away. The AF is scared to death of a recent UPT grad morting himself in a Raptor or F-35 because he GLOC's or becomes too fixated on all his new toys. As more and more UPT grads start going to 5th Gen Fighters the risk of this happening is only going to go up. The step from a T-38 to a new fighter is already big enough, why would the AF opt to make it bigger?
  18. It is called The Greatest Generation for a reason. RIP sir.
  19. Managing energy in the -38 is a surprisingly difficult thing to do. It is under powered and bleeds airspeed like a mo-fo. Trying to maintain 410 +/- 10 in a rate fight isn't the easiest thing for a guy trying to figure out TC entries and not over-g. Keeping sight in the -38 isn't that big of an issue. It is a small jet but fairly easy to see at 6-9K'. I agree that you can learn BFM principles easier at a lower sustained G Level but I think opting for a low G replacement for IFF would be a bad move. The viper world is averaging about a stud per class washing out due to G tolerance issues. Lowering the G-Levels in IFF would only make that number go up IMHO. All that said, I'm curious to see what your research produces.
  20. I agree with Hacker; IFF having its own squadron, jets, crew chiefs, building etc is key to its mission. I hated IFF, but I thought it did a good job of instilling the mentality that your jet is a weapon and you are to employ it as such. You are no longer flying an airplane for the sake of flying an airplane. Had IFF been just an extension of UPT without a change of environment and culture, that lesson would not have been taught. The BFM and other tactics may not transfer to follow on jets (6K' DB set to a separation) but I think other, more important lessons do.
  21. Never heard of a FACT "profile", my guess would be that there isn't one. Do it now. You don't want to start training knowing that you might have issues. Also, rejoining training where you left off is tough with minimal spin up in the jet and you would probably join a new class which can be weird. Also, if you can get seen by a flight doc prior to getting to Columbus you may just stay at your unit until you are healed which will keep you out of the casual pool at Columbus. Always a good thing. Good Luck and don't suck!
  22. Vance used to have guys take the FACT at the beginning of Phase I, but I don't think you need to pass it until you start flying in -38's. It's tough to recommend guys go see a doc before or during UPT. But when it comes down to it, it is your health and well being. There are worse things in the world than getting your UPT dates moved back (i.e. permanent DNIF because you destroyed your shoulder). Not saying this is what will happen but I've seen a number of people make things much tougher on themselves because they were afraid to see the Flight Doc. If you do decide to see the Flight Doc, I would recommend seeing one at your Guard base. Trying to get seen for something other than a normal physical or return to fly at a UPT base is like pulling teeth.
  23. The only reason I would recommend Stars and Stripes is that it is totally reimbursable. The shortest wait I had to get back to base was an hour and a half. Some people had better experiences but most people in my class agreed that the wait times were ridiculous.
  24. That's pretty much how it went for me. The c-mod upgrade does show you your key airspeeds in two spots, which did make it Italian Lt proof.
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