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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Is this even possible? I would sign up in a heartbeat, but I'm assuming they only have chairs at certain bases and only certain people (current aircrew) can use them.
  2. Is it realistic to take dramamine on every flight until I get used to it? Does anyone do this? Is this even allowed? I know it isn't for pilots, but the crew?
  3. I'm applying for OTS this July as a rated ABM. I want to go active duty (currently enlisted ANG), I want to be an officer, I want to be rated, and I want to be in the air. Despite negative reputation on this board, I think the ABM job sounds great. However, I'm a puker. I always have been, ever since a little kid. Amusement park rides, reading in a car, turbulent commerical air rides, all have made me sick in the past. Now that I'm older (26) my tolerance is built up, but serious motion will still make me sick. Last year I went up with a friend in a small Cessna. He had to do a few stall recoveries - I quickly lost my lunch. That being said, I would still love to be aircrew, and I want to overcome airsickness. I know people see flight docs about this and they have "the chair" to overcome it, but that being said... Am I crazy to pursue being rated, knowing that I'm a puker beforehand?
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