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uhhello last won the day on February 3

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. Lol. come on man.
  2. Thats the not internet way! Double down bud
  3. I'm all for making a giant cut in the fraud/waste/abuse of my tax dollars before we start talking about increasing or decreasing taxes. I don't think that's too much to ask. On the flip side, I've read/heard firsthand from a lot of the cuts with an ax that were made where they quickly learned those positions weren't what they thought they were and had to immediately ask for the people to come back. Let's take a breath and maybe start firing people with at least a scalpel instead of an ax.
  4. Normalization of deviance was mentioned...
  5. Beyond lucky
  6. If anyone grabbed internal landing footage it will be great. Wear your seatbelts kids
  7. Birthday cake shakes baby!!!
  8. When was the last time post Desert Storm where we weren't deployed consistently and randomly conducting combat ops from those locations? Has there been a time?
  9. If you don't want to crane your neck to watch
  10. You a cop?
  11. And American would only sign the deal if it didn't require additional training.
  12. There is a very different viewpoint difference between 200' in the city versus fixed wing in the pattern over the city though.
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