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Everything posted by uhhello

  1. Anyone know somebody who has done this? I'm really leaning towards trying to get one of these slots when i'm done with my tour here in England. Wife will have to get citizenship but that's just a trip to the states and back. I'll also be in for a long bit of training (up to 1 year depending on language). The job really sounds interesting and definitely very few do it. Anybody have any info. I have already emailed the Europe Defense Attache program dude and he has gotten back to me but it was pretty much a canned answer to some of my questions.
  2. Had an Army fella get a DUI at Tori Station while I was at Kadena. They had his story on the front page of all the base papers that week. It goes as follows. Individual is getting sloshed at home prior to going out to gate 2. Individual wants to know if he is still legal to drive so he calls the Tori Station gate and asks for them to send someone out to do a breathalyzer. They tell him no, thats not our job and if he had anything to drink, not to drive. He doesn't settle for that, he drives to the gate and parks a half block away. Walks up to the gate and asks for a Breathalyzer. They say no and ask if he was the guy who called in earlier. He says yes. They ask how he got here. He replies with "I drove idiot, my car is right down the street". They give his a test and place him under arrest after he blew a .11. Limit on Oki at the time was .05. Doom on him.
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