Hi, long time lurker with the usual story-freshman in college, doing ROTC in fall, want to be an AF pilot, PPL, you know the rest. I have read the multiple threads on asthma multiple times, but I have kind of a specific situation, and I figured you guys might be able to help me out.
When I was 6 I was diagnosed with Reactive Airway disease, and I was only on prescription inhalers until the end of elementary school, when I essentially outgrew it. Unfortunately, two months after my thirteenth birthday, I had a wicked cold so my parents (both pharmaceutical scientists) figured, "hey, he's got asthma on his record, why not get him an inhaler." So, I kinda have a history post-13th, though it wasn't asthma related.
I think it's important to note that my RAD is NOT the stress-induced wheezing type-it's the coughing kind. Basically, I have as good a chance of having an asthma attack as anyone else. I scheduled a methacholine challenge test in a few weeks-I figure I'd rather know now than in three in a half years when I'm taking my FC1 and they say "oops, sorry, you don't qualify for AD, time to go work PR" or something.
Now, the reason that I'm posting, is that after extremely strenuous exercise, I actually do cough a bit afterwards. Only something like the pacer test, which has me sprinting for ten minutes. I've played paintball for 24 hours straight with marines, run 3-4 miles a day, etc., no problems, but I'm afraid it will still show up on the test.
Is this ever considered case-by-case, or am I more or less screwed if I have problems on the test? I can take it one way or the other, it's sitting in summer session for six weeks not knowing if I'll be doing ROTC that is killing me.