You guys are actually picking potential UPT bases based on suitability for flying ops and livability, lol. First figure out which Senator is due for a win, then sort by which base is losing a current mission.
So here's the funny part. While we all say we need more money to stay in and put up with the Air Force's queep, we'd also jump at the chance to volunteer for an ALR Extreme mission where we'd see a high likelihood of being killed. Most of us have that strange self-actualization trait that makes flying into downtown Hanoi seem more desirable than living in a faceless bureaucracy.
So they’ve got a bachelors? So a year ago when they expressed their desire to be pilots, their Chief leadership sent them to this program instead of OTS and UPT where they’d be nearly done by now?
Spend 9 figures on developing a T-6 that has capes that many CAF aircraft still lack? Except that it doesn’t actually have a real sensor or drop a real bomb. Sounds about right. While the SPs get worse at basic flying skills because they’re wrapped up in what FIPS 140-1 means.
I’ll say this, in a room full of people, you used to be able to tell the difference between PJs, Army guys, intel guys, etc. Now you have to get closer to look at their patches and talk to them, ugh
Oh shit. Not hearing much about those results. It’s almost as if the pilot selection process works well enough and isn’t the root cause of the Air Force’s pilot retention problem...
Let us all know how you do in UPT! I assume since you’re the only Private Proctologist in the world you’ll be pretty easy to PID.
Downgrade for planning right off the bat.
Make sure you invite your best Nav buddy to your UPT graduation so he can pin your wings on. Immediately afterwards kick him solidly in the balls and ask him to get you a soda.
There was a heinously bad chick in my T-6 flight. Somehow got through contact with luck, sort of made it through instruments, then washed out of low level phase because she still couldn’t fly an ELP on recovery. So I’d argue that those failed ELPs saved a plane at some point in the future because she never flew it.
ELPs are a screener. Is it a required skill? Probably will never have to dip into that bucket of knowledge for real in your career. Do I want a guy in my squadron that can’t figure them out when 90% of everyone else does? Hell no.