Here's the actual report. Pretty much the gist of things is that SRBMs will kick our asses and break our jets before they take off.
It's too bad that Schwartz didn't read the report, because the congressman missed some key points himself, such as "Substituting F-22s for the F-15s doesn’t change the situation very much, either."
"As China’s ability to deliver accurate fire across the strait grows, it is becoming increasingly difficult and soon may be impossible for the United States and Taiwan to protect the island’s military and civilian infrastructures from serious damage. This is hardly surprising, and is rooted in thebasic physical and operational reality that, given foreseeable technologies, it is and will remain cheaper and easier to build rockets able to deliver payloads accurately onto a relatively large and stationary target like a runway than it will be to build rockets able to reliably intercept fast-moving miniscule targets, like other rockets."