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Everything posted by Duck

  1. I’m gonna disagree. Having just left T-6s to go to a top-choice, sweet location AMC base, I would much prefer to go back to AETC. I thought life sucked in T-6 land, but holy hell life sucks 1,000 times more in AMC. I would stay in AETC as long and as often as you can. Unless you like watching your kids grow up over Skype, then I guess AMC may be for you.
  2. I am truthfully scared to death on the direction this train is headed, while the AF shovels more coal into the fire. I think when the time comes I’m bailing completely, I don’t think ANG/Reserves is worth it anymore. Which sucks because I actually still love military flying.
  3. WTF? They are deploying Reserve UPT TRs now?
  4. I’m seriously thinking this.
  5. Alright WTF? The O-4 board release was just pushed back ANOTHER month. Used to be Early March, and now we are looking at Mid-Late May. Still stuck at SECAF level and hasn't been released to the Office of Sec Def. Anyone have any guesses what the fvck is going on with this clown show? My gut tells me that they are trying to change something major after the fact, just like last board when they stripped all the school slots from the promotion results. That caused the last release to be delayed by about a month or so. Maybe this time they are trying to petition congress (or whoever is in charge of promotions above the AF?) to allow all IPZ/APZ O-3s to be promoted despite who was non-selected at the Central Selection Board. Seriously, anyone have any vis on this?
  6. Anyone had any luck or know if someone has gotten a HOR changed?
  7. Does JohnQ know about this extortion? I don’t mean to complain, I know there are places where people would have paid anything to be able to skype home and there was no internet available. I just don’t get where free internet turned into $100/month.
  8. What is the deal with the internet now. Its been over 5 years since I have been out there and getting ready for my farewell tour. The rumor I heard was that you now pay for your usage and it is expensive. I bet that kills the World of Warcraft crowd that was hogging all my bandwidth back in 2011, bastards.
  9. I emailed the promotion guys a couple weeks ago about records and PRDA. I thought the “as met” shows up after the board convenes, but it’s actually after the board is released. I am expecting to hear words around 9 April just based off the last couple boards timelines and the fact that SWA’s application window closes on 8 April. I’m sure the AF would love to screw the twice passed over guys just one more time if they can.
  10. Having been a PIT IP, you are totally right. Typically, the guys who volunteered to go to white jets were phenomenal instructors. The guys who were “screwed one way or another” typically were bottom dwellers in their community who no one wanted around.
  11. No more ELP downgrades. Lol
  12. Yeah, never understood that and it always pissed me off because they always stop me when I’m running late for something.
  13. I haven’t gotten it at BO yet, but I get that same redirect on other pages.
  14. Since they never update the board status page, I emailed them and got an email back from the promotion people, the O-4 board was briefed to the SECAF and now with her “lawyers”. WTF does that mean?
  15. Can’t run to the airlines if they can’t fly on Active Duty... kinda liking cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  16. Congrats brother! Does anyone have any experience getting cleared through the ARC/SGP to Palace Chase with a C-1 Limitation (Shellfish Allergy)? I’m assuming they mean the Guard units’ SGP and not the overall ANG/SGP.
  17. Duck

    Latest Movies

    Just saw Game Night. It was okay. Not the worst movie I’ve seen, but I have no clue how it got such high ratings from RT.
  18. FAIP?
  19. Please go on and tell us about your vast experience in the T-6...
  20. Well the dumba$$es lost one of the surveys about a year or so ago. But they said before they lost it that there was “nothing groundbreaking” but since they lost it they couldn’t release it.
  21. That’s a good point. If you set the bar low enough...
  22. I actually saw the official AFPC slideshow that detailed the correlation between commanders rank, GPA, PCSM and historical success rate at UPT from a %washout perspective. I don’t recall the conclusions for the other factors, but there was a positive correlation between PCSM and washouts.
  23. Until we see massive amounts of planes/pilots going down, the AF will not change. In the world of spreadsheets, a “1” is a “1”, doesn’t matter if one is an IP and one is a brand new UPT grad.
  24. I figured. Man that would suck @ss. I see it coming too.
  25. Anybody know if Stop Loss trumps an approved Separation Date?
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