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Everything posted by Duck

  1. So what I'm hearing you say is you think you have found a place online but you're not quite sure. You have the place reserved but haven't signed the lease. Seems like PTDY is due. Take that shoe clerk!
  2. The comments section below the article is downright pathetic. Few people are even appreciative of the freedom that Capt. Kuss fought for. We are living in modern day Rome... Semper Fi brother!
  3. I don't like the wording in the last sentence... "Will be continued..." But doesn't federal up or out law trump being offered continuation? Meaning that they can offer but you can turn it down?
  4. Was it because they were FAIPs that they were passed over, or were they passed over because they were FAIPs? Kidding, I have a special place in my heart for them.
  5. I've known several twice passed over Captains hired at ANG units. One guy just got hired at a F-15C unit as a Strike Eagle dude with few connections at the unit. He also got picked up at most of the legacy airlines as well. Great dude that got completely screwed by the system. I was sitting in the Exec seat (I hate my life) during his second pass over (which he requested via letter to the board) and after going through his paperwork it was obvious no one had taken care of him. Great dude and is happier now than he ever was on Active Duty.
  6. I doubt it. Lol no harm in trying?
  7. And it's only going to get higher. I think now days a 95%+ selection rate will be the norm. The days of guys getting forced out as Captains are over, until the next AFPC debacle.
  8. We had several pilots leave my flying Guard unit for full time RPA work to finish off an AD retirement 4 years ago.
  9. "Well... What had happened was that the Airlines... It wasn't our fault...service before self...leadership 101...er...Congress(mommy) can we stop loss EVERYONE now?" In actuality they will just blame it on the "improving economy " and miss the opportunity to make the place better or learn from the consistent mistakes that keep getting us in these positions.
  10. I'll even take it a step further in an effort to totally blow the Changs of the AF's minds (sts). A lot of guys I know aren't even talking about airlines when they get out. I know many dudes who just want out regardless of what they do, own a business, office job, etc. Kinda screws with your guys plan to just blame it on the airlines huh???
  11. With some of the people I see coming through UPT these days from Guard bases... You might be surprised.
  12. I disagree. This is the kind of dishonesty that it takes to fool people into 15 year commitments with no 20 year retirement. This proves to me that GC is most definitely a Senior "Leader" or maybe just a coddled Exec for some GO. Doesn't matter...
  13. I try not to bash you on here but this is a complete lie. Sometimes it doesn't matter how good you are, AF personnel management is worse, and some AF Blue Chip Sq/CCs are only looking out for themselves. Sure if it doesn't cost them anything they may throw you a bone but believe me, few Commanders fall over anything to "hook a brother up" whether it's the right thing to do or not. Do whatever you want, I am just saying go Guard, you can still kill AQ/IS without being someone's stepping stone to O-6 or O-7. Just remember this, all the problems that we have in the Air Force comes down to piss poor "leadership/management" with ZERO accountability. Can you believe we are talking about stop-loss when these @ssclowns just cut 25K TWO FREAKING YEARS AGO. WTF?
  14. If you were my son/daughter I would tell you this: the only redeeming part of the Air Force is the flying and some of the people, however a lot of the good guys are getting out and you have no guarantee to fly post-UPT. These are facts not emotionally derived opinions. If you just can't shake your desire to fly for the Air Force, go ANG, you will be so glad you did. They have problems too, but not even a speck of AD bull$hit.
  15. Same here, and it hurts me to say it.
  16. Yeah, Pickles, the good deals are gone, just crap sandwiches left. But you know, stop-loss. Seriously though, you can always ask. I would suggest putting it #1 on your ADP and come up with some good reasons you need to be there. Also get your commander to back it on his remarks section and maybe even reach out to the functional on your behalf. That is how I have gotten the assignments I wanted that seemed tough to get. Hopefully I didn't discourage you, just passing on any info I can get. Best of luck!
  17. Oh wow, look at that the pendulum has swung back again.
  18. Buddha that's scary. So does stop-loss also apply to twice passed over and denying continuation?
  19. I don't know too many guys who are actually working till 65. I would guess that most guys by 70 would probably be to tired to keep up the grind.
  20. Watch how productive I will be when I am stop-lossed. Also I would make it my personal priority to tell everyone I come in contact with how terrible the AF management is and hey should join another service if they want to fly/serve.
  21. There's no problem here... Move along move along...
  22. Yes they are. Talked to the functional today and there apparently are guys lining up for that same reason.
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