Talked to one of the last dudes to get F-16s here at Sheppard (08-08?) and he just got his IFF and RTU dates. He starts IFF in September and then RTU shortly after that. I think only 1 or 2 guys Air Force wide got Vipers after him. So he pretty much is one of the last guys on the BIT list for 16 RTU. He talked to AFPC about the status with Vipers and UPT drops and they told him starting FY 10, we would start seeing Viper drops again, but only about 50 or so per year AF wide. No clue on the A-10s, but if F-15Cs and F-15Es don't get overloaded and Vipers come back online, FY10 might be a decent year for fighters and UPT. This is of course all dependent on AFPC, so who knows. Hope this helps!