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Everything posted by drumkitwes

  1. Is that after starting UPT? As in not including people who don’t make it through IFS, medical screening, or SIE before training even starts?
  2. IIRC, PCSM is the only indicator which had a correlation to success in UPT. GPA can vary widely from university and program.
  3. Are you seriously asking a bunch of randos on the internet what to do with the rest of your life? If this was your first ride at UPT, you’d hook for SA and judgement/decision making. You should probably stay at Lockheed Martin.
  4. Terrible idea. Making it through the challenge of UPT is a badge of honor for every Air Force pilot and a bright spot in our hertigage. Letting some people skip the hardest parts delegitimizes all of us. My friends teaching at UPT say it’s hard enough to wash out a kid who shouldn’t pass, as they are passed off to the heavy community where they enter the crew force and become a liability for an entire airplane full of people. Now we want to take half the initial training away? We’re not a regional airline trying to fill FO seats for our next round of regional jet orders, were the US Air Force and having the title of Air Force pilot needs to mean something.
  5. Unfortunately in some communities flying can become an additional duty depending on what your ground job is.
  6. Your instructors should be focused on giving you great training, not preaching to you on what to do with your life in 12 years. If the Air Force offered an overall great QOL package, pilots wouldn't be leaving at historical rates. My advice: do your best, don't piss anyone off, be positive, and don't close any doors.
  7. Buyer beware. Realize what you are getting yourself into. You will have limited to no control of your life for 12+ years. You will be part of the 10% who does 90% of the work and gets little credit. You will work your ass off. You will see careerists climb the career ladder for the wrong reasons. Is it worth it? Depends on the individual. I would say most Air Force pilots love serving their country even with all the BS.
  8. Are you referring to the JetBlue program? I'm not aware of the big three having an entry program... yet.
  9. This has all been done before man. Google Comair academy. It simply hasn't happened at the majors because there isn't a need..... yet
  10. When we're those stats last updated? We haven't had a GNE ever since I've been doing this. Judging by my friends flying for the airlines, the upgrade process for becoming an AC in the AF is highly in depth and much more intense, especially considering they are doing it with 1000 hrs total. Of course, I'm speaking for C-17s only.
  11. This. If you want to be a military pilot, serve your country as an aviator, and avoid the bureaucratic inefficiency much of the USAF has become, join the ARC.
  12. Curious what the ops tempo is like now at CHS?
  13. We lost our cable in the VOQ at Altus
  14. Just got C-17's to Charleston and was curious if there was any updated info on good places to live/places to avoid? Also, what's the current ops tempo for a new copilot who wants to fly? Still the standard 200/250 days gone a year? Any info appreciated.
  15. I'm getting towards the end of UPT and am interested in JSTARS. How is life as a new copilot? How is Macon and the surrounding area? Any info is appreciated. Feel free to PM as well.
  16. Good to know they are alive. Hope it's not one of my bros down there
  17. 19th AF/CC was at IFS today and still promised a return to a manned AC for those who got one out of UPT. FYI
  18. Discuss https://news.cincinnati.com/article/20100408/NEWS01/4090355/National-Guard-F-16-jets-nearly-hit-Atlantic-Southeast-Airlines-flight-over-Ohio National Guard F-16 jets nearly hit Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight over Ohio DAN SEWELL,Associated Press Writer • April 8, 2010 Comments (51) Recommend (8) Print this page ShareThis Font size:AA CINCINNATI — An official with the Ohio National Guard says it appears two of its F-16 fighter jets were flying too high when they had a near miss with a commercial flight over southern Ohio this week. The Guard's vice chief of staff says the F-16s were on normal training flights on Thursday and it does appear they were above their ceiling. Officials are not sure how much above the ceiling they were but plan a full investigation. The fighters came so close to a 70-seat Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight that they triggered a cockpit alarm. The pilots of the commuter plane maneuvered away while headed from Cleveland to Atlanta and landed safely in Georgia on time. FAA radar showed the F-16s were flying at 30,000 feet when they should have been no higher than 29,000 feet. Atlantic Southeast Airlines said there were no injuries among the 58 passengers, two pilots and two flight attendants. The plane landed on time and safely in Atlanta, ASA spokeswoman Kate Modolo said. "The crew had visible sight of (the planes)," Modolo said. "But the pilots were able to keep the plane on its assigned flight path." Soon after the close call around 10 a.m. Thursday, the airline contacted the FAA, said FAA Great Lakes Region spokesman Tony Molinaro. The FAA's radar center in Indianapolis showed that the military planes, operated by members of the Ohio National Guard, were flying at 30,000 feet, Molinaro said. "We'll have to look and see what happened," Molinaro said. "The military will have to do the investigation." Pilots contacted controllers, who cleared them to climb to 36,000 feet as a precaution. Enquirer reporter Carrie Whitaker contributed.
  19. CBM AD all from memory so no promise this is 100% correct -38 F-16 Kelly A-10 DM RPA C-5 Dover T-38 E-3 Tnker NSA Cannon Helo-Portugal Alphajet-Portugal T-1 C-17 Mchord C-5 Dover KC-135 McConnell KC-135 Fairchild 2-RPA 2-T-6 E-8 Robbins C-130 Little Rock Rest were guard and reserves
  20. FWIW this is the government estimate. LM still says they expect the cost per fighter to be far lower so hopefully they do themselves a favor for future acquisitions and keep the cost down.
  21. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2010/02/airforce_f16_crash_osan_022610w/ Pilot safe after F-16C bailout over S. Korea By Bruce Rolfsen - Staff writer Posted : Friday Feb 26, 2010 12:54:50 EST An Air Force pilot safely ejected from his F-16C Fighting Falcon on Thursday as he tried to land the jet at Osan Air Base, South Korea, according to Air Force reports. The unidentified pilot from Osan’s 36th Fighter Squadron suffered minor injuries. The jet was heavily damaged and crashed within Osan’s boundaries. The F-16C had been the lead jet for a three-plane formation, a report said. While preparing to land at Osan at 12:34 p.m., the 22-year-old plane became uncontrollable and the pilot bailed out.
  22. https://music.msn.com/music/article.aspx?news=457410 Jack White upset with Air Force Reserve over Super Bowl ad Feb. 8, 2010, 9:38 PM EST WENN -- White Stripes star Jack White has taken exception to a TV ad which aired during the Super Bowl on Sunday -- because he feels it ripped off his "Fell In Love With A Girl" hit. The rocker and executives at his Third Man Records have complained about the U.S. Air Force Reserve's apparent "re-recording" of the tune. In an online post, White and the record label bosses write, "We believe our song was re-recorded and used without permission of the White Stripes, our publishers, label or management. "The White Stripes take strong insult and objection to the Air Force Reserve's presenting this advertisement with the implication that we licensed one of our songs to encourage recruitment during a war that we do not support. "We have not licensed our song to the Air Force Reserve and we plan to take strong action to stop the ad containing this music."
  23. Thread hijack..... I have been reading the boards now for a while and I see there is a recurring joke inferring that C-model drivers are homo's. Just curious, what is the origin of this/what is behind it? Thanks
  24. Would the F-16's just be retired or moved to another base?
  25. I go to a crosstown school that is clearly harder than my Det. based school. My GPA is a 3.18 but at the Det.'s school it could definitly be higher. Do you think it is taken into effect when they do the rankings?
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