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  1. TERA APPROVED! 2001 11R PCS ADSC jun '15 See you folks in the breadline! :)
  2. I wish AFPC would release information about the current round of TERA! I called AFPC yesterday and they don't have any idea when they will get any additional info... I almost felt bad for the lady I talked to, she sounded as defeated as I did...
  3. From the CSAF " ...I promised you that we will be transparent gang..." WHEN Exactly will this transparency begin?? I turned in TERA back in Jan and I have received 0 info about my future from ANY official channel thus far...
  4. 2001 11R TERA... For one of you guys lucky enough to have had your TERA approved ( and still watching the rest of us in misery on this forum... ) My status has been on FM- Validation Complete ( I think that is the correct wording) for quite sometime. Was this the last status you showed before getting the good news? The NLT 1 Apr has come and gone... I'm really trying not to become the bitter angry Maj. but the blue shenanigans are not helping. https://youtu.be/MFZG8KQJni8
  5. Core_Values_TriSig_Signed.pdf
  6. I'm wondering why it is so hard for an Air Force leader at some level to explain what is happening; our WG/CC attempted to a few weeks ago but you can tell he was stuck operating in the dark as well going off the limited info he had. Why does the AF Times get more gouge than the AF members? Someone knows what the story is, and they must know how hard this must be on families. They don't have to tell us everything or even give us what we want but it would be nice not to be kept completely in the dark for months on end. Can you imagine if SQ/CC's led like this?! ( Sorry... I've been crosschecking the VMPF, myPers, BODN pages too long... I had to blather about something... )
  7. Anyone else get this gem? Is it just me or does it sound like if you ask any questions about your future that has been on hold for the last 3 month, they will conviently loose your request? Subject --------------------------------------------------------------- Retirement Request Discussion Thread --------------------------------------------------------------- Response Via Email(myPers - Total Force Service Center) - 03/27/2014 04:39 PM Sir/Ma'am Please refrain from making any inquiries on the status of your case prior to receiving a response from HQ AFPC. Doing so will cause your case to change to an incorrect status and you will no longer be in the correct status for the final Approval/Disapproval decisions. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated Very Respectfully, HQ AFPC Retirements & Separations Branch
  8. Yea, I've got a 1405 date 6 Apr 1997... I was wondering if this was a sign... I know they use the 1405 to calculate retirement pay, my hope is this is a step in the right direction. If they can populate that date then why is it so hard to keep us informed. My family is about done living in limbo.... (TERA 11R 2001 yr group)
  9. "No Walter, your not wrong.... you're just an A$$hole." https://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140312/BENEFITS/303120044/AF-stops-work-most-force-shaping-programs
  10. I checked mine today and it was set to "FM validation complete" I have no clue what that means.... Could the finish line be near?
  11. FWIW https://www.airforcetimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/201403051442/CAREERS02/303050031
  12. FWIW, I dropped TERA paperwork on the 14 th, AFPC got it on the 16th. I called yesterday and was told the "batch process " (aprox 100 per batch) these and mine would be in the next batch. I'll know if I'm free NLT 7 Feb.
  13. Not to jump to far in and sling sh*t but Pentagon???! Did I miss something?? So you just raise your hand and *poof* the staff fairy comes down and bestows a "sweet" staff gig?! I'm positive that is not even close to aligning with AFPC's plans for my pilot ass. I was told the WG needs IP's and experience... no staff for you... (I'm not complaining... just sayin') I'm positive I'm not unique in the pilot world... My observation is staff is usually saved up for the "pretty people" and generally not for the professional USAF pilot. If I'm way off base please tell me to F off and I'll happily go back to eating popcorn and watch this Sh*t show continue...
  14. I'd follow to hell and back with you... well said!! GC take notes...
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