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Everything posted by StoleIt

  1. Ls1tech is a better forum that corvetteforum hands down.
  2. I googled the key facts...it checks out. He's legit.
  3. Bring back the 1911!!!
  4. I'm no expert, but after watching the video it looks like the 2nd P-51 carried to much airspeed into the landing and just ran into the back of the first one.
  5. The last post before you was in June of 2005!!! Let the thread DIE!!!!
  6. WWII - tie between P-38 Lightning and Me262 Swallow Korea - F-86 Sabre (behind Mig-15) Vietnam - AC-47 Spooky Cold War Era - tie between A-10 Warthog and SR-71 Modern/Future - Sukhoi is coming out with some interesting airplanes, the Su-47/S-37 (forward swept one) Berkut and Su-27SMK and Su-30MKK pictured and honorable mention to the Su-34 for looking like a platapous IMO
  7. StoleIt

    HUD tapes

    Holy crap! That would rate about a 10 on the pucker factor. Looks like a Piper Arrow or maybe a Mooney, that could have been bad...
  8. StoleIt

    Jungle Juice

    thats alot more crap than i usually use. handle or two of gem clear pink country time lemonade and if ur really going all out: sherbert and frozen mixed fruit
  9. camAro. And no thank you, I can rent a gokart on the weekends, I'd rather drive a real car.
  10. so say your in the dorm still wouldn't be a problem?
  11. Got a question...so right now I have a nice POS daily driver. It still has alot of life in it so I don't want to get rid of it. That being said I also will want to buy a new car (looking at the 09 Camaro) when it comes out. I don't wanna turn this into a save your money type of thread, just curious if its possible to own 2 vehicles... Or say someone has a car they are working on...like an old 60's car...and then they have truck they tow it around with. Is that allowed? Or are you 100% limited to one vehicle on base? TIA
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