I was NOT considered for the 1:1; got the full 6 years and plan on flying fatties for a longer time than I would have on AD. IMHO, you won't qualify if you submitted in '13.
SAF/PC didn't waste anytime with my application---2 months, 5 days to be exact from the day it arrived until I got final word.
Do yourself a favor, here's a couple of nuggets I've come across because my timeline has been compressed from notification to DOS of about 30 days--there are a couple of items that will cause serious delays:
1. harass your ISR about 'Scrolling' and get it completed
2. TAP now has a 'Capstone' Class that must be completed (as of 1 October 13, if you completed TAP before that date you are G2G; someone correct me if I'm wrong about the date)
3. Contact MTF and get on their 'radar' WRT sep PHA's, etc.----will need orders, but if you can prove that you've been approved for separation they should[italics] work with you.
4. Close any lose ends WRT your records; think PRF (your only as good as your DD214)
5. Your orders will NOT be cut if you haven't completed TAP & capstone class, DD214, and Pre-Sep Order worksheet
6. Out-processing is a PCS on steroids; getting out of BIG BLUE requires a F#ck-ton of paperwork and multiple stops to base entities you didn't know existed [sarcasm]...plan accordingly.
GL and Cheers,