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Everything posted by OregonHerc

  1. I'm not sure if this would completely cover what you're looking for, as it's intended for SCRA requests, but this DoD database at least shows active duty start (and if applicable) end dates. https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/scra/scraHome.do
  2. As far as navs, H model go through phase 1 at LR, U's go straight to Hurlburt.
  3. And a couple months of casual at the end is a vain hope. I was PCS'd out in 2 1/2 weeks.
  4. Heard a rumor that class patches are now verboten back in Pensacola. True? False?
  5. In our class, the 3 AFSOC drops (2 MC, 1 AC) were top third
  6. From LIT, the DR kit work and log work was a bit of a learning curve to start out. The Lockheed instructors are aware that we don't have these skills. They're attempting to create a sort of a "pre-NIQ" course for two weeks prior to your actual class start in order to get us up to speed before the actual phase 1 academics start. In a bit of a silver lining, we do have a grasp of the basic airmanship skills/monitoring approaches etc.
  7. Anyone have 11-06's drop?
  8. Copy all, thanks guys.
  9. Has anyone been sent to Little Rock on a PCS vs a TDY or TDY enroute? I'm going to Nav initial qual (going to Cannon after), and my assignment notification says that it's a PCS.
  10. I don't remember if they were Navs or EWOs (or if they're finding out in Omaha) but I do know that there were quite a few people that had U-28s high or 1 on their list. We were told to not expect any to drop for us.
  11. We've been hearing "that asset" is looking more towards experienced guys to crossflow into the community. Any truth to this?
  12. The EC-130 is a nav
  13. I grew up in Southern Oregon...both highways can be hit or miss. US 97 does tend to get slammed pretty good, but so can I-5. I-5 is usually the better choice. Tire chains are basically always mandated to be carried in the winter (occasionally, even if you have 4WD)
  14. Don't suck, get your GPA up and you'll be just fine.
  15. Article on the new CSO training--- Linky
  16. Old thread revival... Can anyone help a new 2LT with my mess dress? Basically, I don't know how the shoulder boards are supposed to be "secured" onto the uniform. There's a small strip of fabric that came with it when I bought it from AAFES.
  17. Last I heard, they were shooting for a May '10 date for the first class at Pensacola
  18. Quick question, For all you pilot/nav selects...what site did you order your name tags from for your flight suit? Thanks!
  19. I actually heard the exact opposite. Most of the people that get OSI are on AD already. Very few slots come from ROTC or the academy.
  20. If you have an ounce of intelligence, they come to you quickly. Don't worry about it (or the toolbag)
  21. They wouldn't kick you out just for that. Could you get written up? Yes. Will the Det/CC give you the boot? I would be surprised...he'd have to be a huge ass.
  22. ^ Good advice. Running plans are generally the same no matter what you are training for, the weekly mileage is just different. I've trained for anything from a 5K to a marathon, and they all follow the same training cycle.
  23. It's been a little while, but two summers ago when I went, I had to bring basically everything but a long sleeved blues shirt and a service jacket.
  24. Well played, all I can't type worth a damn. Also, I thought that they wore both the "spwings" and the pocket rocket? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  25. I don't think that the missile guys even like the new swings, anyway.
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