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  1. So yeah that's also the crazy aspect of this scenario. For my situation assuming I get continued (haven't seen the letter yet) I don't even have to decide to continue until after the accounting date and my old unit is looking for my next PRF! As for the first board guys the same situation happened to me in Jan this year with the board release and the next board 5 months later. You essentially have 1 board unless your leadership sets you up right. In my case the board failed to see yes I didn't fit the mold of progression but I went back to fill a position you needed and I am building back up. Total oversight on big blue's part. Bottom line is if I stayed a WSO I would probably be a major but since I changed and helped you out I am looked down upon. This is the flaw of the central boards and lack of checks and balances. If the AF were a major corporation like the airlines and our leadership had a stake (stocks) in how well it performed (profits) they would think twice about this.
  2. Sorry to hear about you not making O4 this time.  I am a 2003 year group and had that happen to me as well in the 2010/2011 timeframe.  

    I'm not sure what is best for you (sounds like being a commercial pilot and reservist might be great for you), but I decided to stick it out for a retirement at 20 years..... And 3 year groups later, I finally got promoted.    It used to be impossible, but I think the new sec def ( Deborah James has changed that)

     so there's a tad of hope if you feel like sticking it out. Best of luck, tribes



  3. Hey can you re quote my post I took out some info to hide my identity since too many people were contacting me

  4. Not sure if I should post this here or on "what is wrong with the AF". Anyways just passed over on my second board P on both with over 7 years of ADSC left. I was a cross flow guy WSO to pilot no negative indicators no busted checkrides. I did everything the AF asked of me, worked my ass off to get to UPT, SRO in UPT, 3 deployments, upgraded to AC in 20 months it just totally baffles me. I should be a qualified IP in a few months. All I can say is what a waste of resources on the AF part and thanks for the thousands of dollars in training, helping me get qualified for my ATP, allowing me to become a CFI/CFII. The airlines/corporate world will really appreciate you training me up for them and I thank you as well. I really can't see why I would continue. I am hoping a reserve opportunity works out and I can land a airline gig. It really would be a dream come true. In addition, 2 other guys in my PIT class were passed up as well only 1st looks but I looked at one of the guys records and it is absolutely crazy MWS IP with multiple awards and no negative indicators. So much for the pilot shortage.
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