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About AIM2013

  • Birthday 02/20/1985

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  • Interests
    Flight, Football, Beer

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  1. Appreciate all the replies, especially big thanks BolterKing. I have a gouge book and that whole paragraph you wrote is in there now. Ball flying and pattern is looking alot better than before (still needs improvement though) and I'm still in the fight and doing whatever I humanly can. Guess at the end of the day if my best wont cut it, then it's time to move on and find something I'm good at elsewhere. Yes, I've even considered RPA's....at least the money civilian side looks good there, but might be tough justifying the flight suit and ray-bans everyday.
  2. Herkbum, Yes I've completed what would be a UPT equivalent. Termy, it seems in my case it's been voiced that outcome is unlikely for what I can only guess is our own fiscal challenges/seat availability's. And to be honest, I'm starting to sense what everyone has always told me in regards to finding the right community to be apart of. The Navy while great for some, is wearing down any hope I have of enjoying a career. Perhaps it's a case of "grass is greener" syndrome, but from the personal conversations I've had with some Air Force friends, I'm thinking (hoping?) I'd be a better fit elsewhere. I appreciate the replies everyone.
  3. Sorry if this has been covered before, but my prior search of the forums did not reveal much of what I'm about to ask. I'm a Navy Jet student who is facing a possible attrition down the road. Still in training, but seems probable as I'm just not getting carrier landings down cold and have grades on the verge as a result. I'm 28, had decent primary grades, and am interested in still flying for the military in some capacity if things don't work out here. Has anyone heard of any protocol regarding a Naval Aviator attrite or a DOR applying to the guard? Does attrition or DOR pretty much nuke any chances a guard unit or the Air Force Reserves would pick me up? And of course what of the age limits? Hate to turn this into a "What % chance" kind of question, but would like to at least know if it's remotely possible or just plane crazy talk. Again hope this wasn't covered in detail previously, otherwise my googlefu is obviously unsat.
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