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Everything posted by PapaNav

  1. PA already has a reputation for pushing these 'non-news' stories.............there was a similar article about the first all-female KC-135 crew in combat and a more recent first all-female C-130 crew on a combat mission. Both pictures are buried in Baseops threads somewhere--I just don't care enough to find them and repost.
  2. Now I know the uncredited source of many Powerpoint slides I had to endure at the AETC CC's course a few years ago.
  3. PapaNav

    Socom 4

    I did a tour at SOCOM and the game is nothing like working there. If they found a way to simulate an AFSOC guy doing Power Point and having a random O-6 trash your work (or take credit for it), then you might have some realism. Okay, sorry for the sarcasm. Those three years were the low point of my career.
  4. Pour me some of the bourbon as well. A kid gives me his OPR bullets recently.....has the requisite line about restocking the snack bar, but only one line regarding his two months in Iraq!
  5. Saw this for sale on eBay............... https://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1973-T-43-7...tem170201044910
  6. Leatherman and an "US" knife (the cheap, silver, folding knife you got at Fairchild). My leatherman has swapped a lot of guages in flight on the Herk and I like the bottle opener on the US knife (beer in Europe doesn't twist off you know).
  7. Expect about a month and a half to two months in academics, then another 2 or so down on the flightline. As for the flight schedule, I believe it's three day and 8 night flights. The flights get spread out and plan to have several get cancelled and made up another day/night. Albuquerque is very fun; enjoy before going back to high TDY schedules.
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