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  1. Anyone use CloudAhoy either personally or in their squadron? I know someone in AMC does, because it's available on our EFBs. Looking for any information you have. How good of a debriefing tool is it? Did your squadron pay for it? Does it play nice using the iPad/ForeFlight/Stratus? Pros/Cons, etc... Thanks! Any info is appreciated.
  2. Laughlin drops 31 Jul.
  3. That was active duty only. Class was split in half due to sim instructor availability and MX issues. Had a ghost class roll through as well.
  4. XL 15-12 Active Duty T-38s: F-22 T-6 FAIP T-1s: C-17 - MCCHORD C-130J - LITTLE ROCK E-3 X2 - TINKER KC-135 - FAIRCHILD U-28 - HURLBURT
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