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Everything posted by isshinwhat

  1. isshinwhat

    Gun Talk

    They were selling them about 18 months ago when I was there because I looked at pistol.
  2. It's strangely appropriate that this thread on a Barney Frank proposal ended up next to a thread named "Absurdly gay..." This cycle of gaining then losing funding sucks. If it was legitimate, that's one thing, but when it mainly about politics, it's BS.
  3. https://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.d...40332/-1/NEWS10 And... Here it comes. Who really needs "fancy new weapons" anyway?
  4. isshinwhat

    Gun Talk

    I've been looking/reading for months now on POF, LWRC, and LMT piston ARs and had just about settled on the LMT, but for some reason never gave much thought to the SIGs until recently. From everything I've read, the 556 sounds like a great rifle. Anyone here own/shot/have experience with one? As for .40 S&W, if anyone needs trash range ammo, the Wal-Marts in Pensacola were selling Blazer Brass reloadable fmj boxes of 50 for $7.57 last I checked. If anyone's near Hurlburt or Eglin and you're headed that way, it's not a bad deal. It's been a few months so I would call first, but my 229 will eat it all day long and I've never had trouble with it while plinking.
  5. Absolutely. I finished reading Lone Survivor last week after meeting Marcus Luttrell at a Barnes and Noble book signing. God bless them all...
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