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Everything posted by Sim

  1. so.... https://oversight.house.gov/release/final-report-covid-select-concludes-2-year-investigation-issues-500-page-final-report-on-lessons-learned-and-the-path-forward/ Quick summary by Grok
  2. Nice speech.
  3. Any more info on this?
  4. https://oversight.house.gov/landing/biden-family-investigation/ Oh, the irony
  5. https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/9th-circuit-court-rules-covid-19
  6. "i am the science"
  7. This is how you do "science".
  8. https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/17/former-nih-director-admits-government-was-top-source-of-covid-misinformation/ ....🙄
  9. For democracy! and Republic!
  10. I just want to predict what a shadow box will have. Something that will collect dust for next ~40 years.
  11. Decorations question. is there something for 20 years of service other than a retirement pin/flag and certificate?
  12. Looks like few TBMs leaked through defenses.
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