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Everything posted by Sim

  1. Sorry, should have used more words. What company? Answer will not help me since terminal is right around the corner, but others may benefit.
  2. Sounds like treason.....
  3. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-tennessee-enforcing-state-law-discriminates-against-people-hiv The Biden DOJ just sued Tennessee for making it a crime to knowingly transmit AIDS. 🤡
  4. Laser on 3 - 2 - 1 Rifle. 20 seconds. Laser off. Enjoy hot wings and beer, anonymous crew.
  5. More problems for Boeing.
  6. ......well
  7. <yawn> Still voting Trump. Sorry, but not sorry. Don't care what fake news say. Or brainwashed NPCs with 10,000 word essays. To brainwashed NPCs, can you pass this quiz?
  8. You can find a video on the net with news reporter exiting a helo and waiving hello.... don't know if they managed to reattach her hand.
  9. https://scnr.com/article/us-govt-asked-banks-to-flag-private-transactions-including-maga-or-trump-purchases-of-bibles_00ebd4c5b59911ee9c930242ac1c0002 WTF!?
  10. DS1522+ seems a bit overkill. Go with DS923+ using raid5 and WD Red HDs (insert desired size).
  11. Everyone perished, but at least they were diverse - woke news would say smugly.
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