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Everything posted by Sim

  1. I have yet to see this crap come from people that actually employ weapons...
  2. WTF indeed. CA style.
  3. None-disclosure agreement. We don't talk about it to anyone.
  4. Standard air force OPR/EPR tactic. Support an op and claim results as your own....and it doesn't matter where you were in that kill-chain...a shoe or a trigger squeezer.
  5. minus one for the rest.... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-22691991#TWEET770810
  6. I see MQ1 pic in the background. Her future track to see what "good life" is.....
  7. The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth https://www.amazon.co..._pr_product_top Interesting.....to say the least. Might peek interest of folks fighting the war and interested in some background.
  8. Given that O-messiah was asked regarding this incident during Korea President post speech question and answers, things are not looking good.
  9. Locals took picture right after.
  10. Here's to the crew :beer: :beer: Always a pleasure working with them....
  11. If women are allowed to serve in combat, then women can be drafted. I want all of you progressives to think about that whenever you have daughters, sisters and granddaughters.
  12. That's been done about 3 years ago. Pussification of air force continues.
  13. UAV is waiting for you ;)
  14. Q-3 and send to Cannon to fly mq-1 for 3sos; Now that's punishment.
  15. Sim

    Gun Talk

    Here's a quick range report. Still learning and improving. Left side was 168gr and right 175gr. Which one is better? No definitive answer FNH SPR A1a (.44 MOA shot in factory) with: "HARRIS series S Model LM Bipod" "Nightforce 30MM Ultralite ring set / medium" "Leopold Mk4 8.5-25x55" scope." Cheap sling and cheek pad
  16. Since you'll get a lot of free time, go to local airport and checkout glider club. I had a lot of fun there.
  17. So this is the way Navy operates....
  18. Sim

    Jokes/Fun at UPT

    Nice troll. This just smells too 'fishy' to be real. But if it is, you just gave your bros more ammo.
  19. No sun or fun eh? ....hopefully they were insured.
  20. https://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/03/earthquake-in-japan/100022/ Horrendous photos here.
  21. Doggies probably love this.
  22. Three cups of tea. For everyone. With polonium.
  23. If only FTU can catch up.....current wait is like 6 months.
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