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Everything posted by Sim

  1. Submit AFF1000.
  2. I'd like to buy USA and USAF flag with 6ft pole and a stand. Can anyone suggest a good reputable place to buy them? Thanks, -Sim
  3. :beer:
  4. Buy a Genesis.
  5. Modern version of IL-2? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilyushin_Il-2
  6. Him Him
  7. pg 254, "moya zopa" is improperly translated. It's not "kiss by ass" but "my butt / ass ". Good book.
  8. Neg. I don't see what's their beef if a person is willing to pay cash...
  9. So I walk into a chow hall today to grab some lunch and during checkout lady tells me - "Since you're here on TDY, you can't eat lunch here anymore...but breakfast and dinner is OK." What the gayness is this? This chow hall gets 5 people max in a hour and now they're going to turn down a cash paying costumer..... Did anyone experience this silliness before? I'm at Maxwell right now....
  10. I was in a chow hall listening to a radio when first plane hit. I though it was some fool in cessna...arrived to squadron and everyone was watching tele...
  11. May I suggest posting this on flight simulation message boards such as SimHQ, They would find this fascinating.
  12. :
  13. I'm talking about display of realism, in which I think Band of Brothers did a magnificent job, and hence I'm comparing it to the newly (or not so newly) raised standard.
  14. Representation of combat sucks; No where near Band of Brothers, But the show is good...
  15. 3 I wouldn't want to serve with you....I've met before on enlisted side same religious types and they get on the nerves very quickly.
  16. https://www.patricksaviation.com/videos/checksixx/3289/ Video of it going down.
  17. a sense of humor...wow.
  18. Does anyone know if Brooks will pride me with glasses if they find my vision is not quite up to 20x20 standard? I passed iFC1 without problems, but noticing my vision is progressively getting worse...its within the reqs....but I want to make sure I don't get DQed for not having glasses that I may need.....
  19. Not quite. Response was not aware of chewbacca defense...
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