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Everything posted by Sim

  1. Perfect leftist. Fit for DC swamp. Promote now!
  2. Good news everyone. No more cancer!
  3. Please, donate now!
  4. Not quite flying video, but more of history.
  5. https://thefederalist.com/2023/07/18/biden-white-house-military-has-sacred-obligation-to-abort-babies-with-your-money/
  6. https://oversight.house.gov/the-bidens-influence-peddling-timeline/ Totally normal behavior. 🤡
  7. https://nypost.com/2023/07/13/secret-service-discovered-marijuana-at-white-house-last-year/
  8. Neat video, stupid title.
  9. https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/hunter-bidens-lawyer-responds-to-bombshell-texts-my-client-was-too-doped-up-on-crack-to-be-trusted/ > Texts are fake > His own attorney says they are real > ...69$?
  10. Why is DNI spreading conspiracy theories? 🙄
  11. https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/22/hunter-biden-threatened-my-father-could-hold-a-grudge-in-extortive-message-to-chinese-associate-revealed-by-whistleblower/ O'really? And he also totally didn't deduct hookers on taxes. https://freebeacon.com/democrats/hunter-biden-deducted-payments-to-hooker-and-sex-club-from-his-taxes-whistleblower-says/
  12. For democracy and constitution, right?
  13. You sound vaccinated. Go take another booster.
  14. Absolutely bonkers. Voting for a party that's actively working against constitution while calling Christians and vets terrorists just because mockingbird media told "orange man bad".
  15. Reminder to our left "friends"
  16. LOL. A leftist telling me not to vote Trump. (who is winning ALL of the polls.) Sure thing, boo. 🤣 Here's a good discussion by a milk-toast since Don Bongino is too much for some.
  17. I'm sure DOJ will get right on that....right?
  18. Yeah. Totally not double standards.
  19. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/all-things-trump/old-case-over-audio-tapes-bill-clintons-sock-drawer-could-impact This article perfectly sums up why the case against Trump is weak at best.
  20. Free persons , not fucking illegals. CA has been stealing how many seats in the House due to this? But I know, lefts moto - under any means necessary - you will lie, steal and cheat as long as your "interests" will be satisfied. @Prozac Suck a dick.
  21. 🙄 Because senses distinguishes between illegal and citizens, right? And that data is not used to redistribute house members.....
  22. One more republican run city! If only they elected someone other than red.
  23. Why did evil nazi republicans did this? 🙄
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