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  1. As a 'rated' cadet you are ineligible for an educational delay, however you are eligible for an administrative delay. I think the reg you are looking for is AFOATSI 36-2018. Check for the current version, I haven't looked at this for a year or so..... The memo is very easy, will take you no longer than 6-9 minutes to make. HQ approved my request within 48 hours, new EAD and class information within the week. IMO you should be accepted into grad school by the time you submit your request. I was accepted, had an advisor, research project, graduate school approved academic plan (basically a Form 48 for big kids), and funding squared away before I made my request. HQ is more likely to approve your delay if you have all of your ducks in a row. Remember you only have a year to complete a two-year program. Be prepared for a fire hose.
  2. I was in a similar situation. PM for more details.
  3. Don't worry too much about it. The same thing happened to me, I failed that magic eye circle thing. I think I only got 4 correct, and even one or 2 or those were a SWAG. The following day when your with the optometrist (before you get your eyes dilated) he/she will determine your prescription and a tech will make a quick set of glasses for you (very stylish by the way). Then you'll retake whatever test(s) you failed without the glasses (I think I got 5 correct that time), then while wearing the prescription (aced it). If all goes well and you're within the allowable uncorrected limits you'll be good to go. Also, when you get your approved FCI paperwork back it'll probably say something about needing to wear corrective lenses in performance of flight duties, or something along those lines.
  4. May I ask why you feel compelled to inform the forum of your run times, especially when you know you're going to get flamed for it? IMHO I'm glad that you're putting forth the effort to improve your time but this forum isn't a support group. I think keeping track of your times is great, but write them on the fridge not this board. Take a look at it every time you want to reach in there for a beer, then go for a run instead. My .02 ... did someone say beer?
  5. I think guard numbers are separate, similar issue wrt foreign STUDs and Navy/Marines. 5 38s? Try 2, 3 max.
  6. Fly regularly. Your body will adapt and you won't feel as fatigued. ....btw you should be able to pull 4-4.5 in the Decathlon no prob, 5 if you know what you're doing.
  7. You'd be surprised. There are several defense contractors who have still intern openings for June '08. Most were opened after several contracts were recently awarded. The ones I know about are looking for comp sci or EE but there are a few ME and Aero positions too. Location dependent of course. IMHO I'd rather make use of that crisp 8.5 x 11" piece of paper I just earned rather than flipping burgers. But that's just me.
  8. They were released today, all of our cadets found out. Good luck.
  9. Agreed. A summer internship is probably your best option. If you get hired you can always see if you can extend it through the end of September.
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