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fipi last won the day on February 16 2017

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  1. Hey bros. Kind of off topic but when I was looking for a slot, I would cruise this board to see who I was going to send my packet off to next. I got a lot of "thanks but no thanks" and it was discouraging. I know of a buddy who found himself in the same situation and eventually gave up on the dream. I sent packets to numerous units. I interviewed at four units before I got picked up. I also know of a dude, who's now in my class, that interviewed 11 times before getting picked up. Long story short, people who want this enough get picked up. Keep at it and keep plugging away. I'm currently BFM'ing my face off in B-course for the Viper and it's the best job I've ever had. Keep applying and keep pursuing this career! I've gotten so much from this board/site and I want to give back as much as I can. Please feel free to PM me for anything! As was once said to me, "Make them tell you no".
  2. I love Mama Titas but Day 1?! Eh, I'd have to think about it.
  3. She did make good food though!
  4. Unrelated, but every time I see your name on here I think of this...
  5. I lived in Oregon for a while. I visited both units on several occasions and interviewed there. PM me if you have any questions.
  6. This guy is a bro...
  7. Most everyone on this forum/thread is serious and interested in upcoming boards information. Help your bros out and just post the information on the thread. Sharing is caring.
  8. Reviving an old thread. Anyone have any current info on the FC1 process? I'll be taking my physical at Wright Patterson in a month. Thanks!
  9. You bet I did! And congrats dude!
  10. Hey dude. I'm from Montana (now Oregon) and I've got a close friend that's currently in UPT that is going back to fly the 130's out of Malmstrom AFB Great Falls IAP. Shoot me a PM with your info and I'll forward it on to him.
  11. Make sure you do the all you can eat Sushi! A good buddy of mine lives there and we had the sushi there and it was the best I've had. $20 will get you as much as you can stomach.
  12. Constructive criticism is almost everything when it comes to getting that call that you didn't get selected. Ask for a moment of their time to see what you can do better on and take it for what it's worth. Each interview should be better than the last. Hopefully you get selected on your first interview but it took me until my fourth and interviewing really does become an art. One of the last interviews where I got a no-go call, I spent an hour on the phone talking with the board president with how I could improve on the interview and my quals. My next interview I was hired. Milchstrasse gives excellent advice and it's with that attitude that will get you ahead of the game. Also, concerning being professional and level headed on the forum, I know of at least three dudes that have participated as board members that lurk on this forum/thread. During one of the interviews I got the question "What's your user name on baseops? Anything on there that would put you in a bad light?". They watch this and it's not that hard to figure out who's who. I remember an old post made by a member not to long ago (from the Upcoming Board thread that got deleted) where he/she copy and pasted a no-go letter and openly mocked the LtCol that sent it. People remember that and was even mentioned in the squadron bar during one of my last interviews. A UPT slot is a golden opportunity to do something amazing with your life and it'd be pretty senseless to weed yourself out because of a post you made here. Anywho.... Here's to you A300! Cheers!
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