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Everything posted by B*D*A

  1. I hear the Block 60s have 20 inch blades with spinners...Dubai knows hows to party.
  2. In the Hog, has it always been on the stick? Or was that a change after the HOTAS upgrades?
  3. Toro, I guess I was thinking by using the MPF I could save some dough, but re-reading it doesn't seem like that matters. I'm aware of the regular post office process. Thanks for the links though. And yeah, I just need a civvie one for a job in Guam I trying to pull with UCAR before my EAD. Might get to see Andersen early!
  4. Gents, As a cadet, can I use the MPF to get a passport? If not as a cadet, I commission on in a couple weeks but don't EAD until November, can I use MPF before EAD? Thanks for the help.
  5. Try to work the clearance angle. Check securityclearancejobs.com.
  6. Hah, just watched that a few weeks ago. "chow down hogs!"
  7. Here's a cool foreign flick I rented. Dark Blue World It's about Czech pilots who flee as the Blitz overtakes them. They manage to escape to Britian, learn English and fly Spits. There's some crappy love story in it, but some badass Me vs. Spits fights. Also, I was surprised how many of my friend had not seen Empire of the Sun. A fantastic movie about a young British boy who is obsessed with flight who becomes seperated from his family during the Japanese invasion of China. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02BBtN-P0lc&feature=related Edited to fix link.
  8. 2. One thing did help me however, you may remember this Brabus, an engineering compay who was developing UAV software paid some cadets 18/hour to fly their sims and go through a training program. We used the Cougar HOTAS and I prob got 30 hours in. That helped a little bit, but like it's been said, just do it.
  9. No you didn't.
  10. Had to do one more... New LTs Waiting For EAD, We're Waiting For You, (or you're waiting on us, either way we won't pay you for six months )
  11. Cyber Warriors, We Have Been Waiting For You.
  12. B*D*A

    Jeremiah Weed

    Noone has mentioned chomping a raw egg before a shot of Jdub! That's the only way to get the full effect preferably with this toast.. Here's to this unborn chicken, and our unborn wives! lol, down the hatch!
  13. Haha, I just have to post the verse we made up to "Hounds of War Song" by the Gringos. Verse: There's these cadets in the Springs, Who do silly fvking things. Like run and march, and shine all day loooonnngg. If they all had their way, They'd go back in time and say, Fvck the Academy I'm join'n ROT-C! Chorus: Singn Aye Aye Aye I'm just a ROT-C guy who happens to wear a uniform to class. Chuggn beers and gettn Ass, I'm having a fvckn blast. Fvck gettn out in four, I'm stickn around for five! Pretty fun to sing around my Academy bros who come up party with us at Boulder.
  14. Get some time on this puppy if anything. I got a lucky break as a local engineering company hired AFROTC cadets to go through a UAV training program to collect data for software they were developing for the Air Force. I got about 30 hours time learning to "fly" UAVs. Also, ###### me if I ever have to do that for a job (-=.
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