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tac airlifter

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Everything posted by tac airlifter

  1. Disgusting.
  2. lol, the universe doesn’t want you quoting me!
  3. Palenske is the real thing, if anything he's better than his social media "fun boss" persona; he actually likes/enables mission hackers and killers. He is a real combat leader. But he's been a 1 star for a long time. I'd be surprised if he continues upwards.
  4. One of the most pertinacious and wrong ideas which senior Air Force leadership has embraced is this: every standard is equally valuable therefore if your zeal for all standards isn't equal you are unprofessional. They believe a lack of rigidity about seemingly 'small' rules, like Friday patches, will result in negligent fratricide or crashing aircraft, etc. They see (based on faith) a direct link to extreme outcomes for overlooking small infractions. The idea you might ignore trivialities to prioritize important things like victory or safety is anathema and their minds are unable to process this situation. Those of us outside their bubble intuitively understand prioritization is a natural human phenomenon and should be embraced rather than shunned. We want young Captain ACs making decisions keeping missions on task & timeline rather than stopping a joint ROC drill because someone's sleeves are rolled up. But these cultists are like celebrate monks looking at sex, convinced it's the source of all ills and endlessly devising rules to guardrail us from it... not understanding it's literally necessary for the species. In combat prioritization is essential to success; even a cursory examination of military history would prove as much. Look no further than the Taliban and NVA for recent examples proving uniform compliance isn't tied to battlefield objectives; examples are numerous proving the absurdity of their core idea but they can't have the discussion. I've tried. Ask them for proof that selective standard enforcement will result in mission failure and they might have anecdotes but zero data. There is zero data supporting their belief. Ask them if standard compliance is so important, what is our process to test new standards before instituting and what is the process to repeal if data proves it isn't required? No answers. You'll go to SDE and study works from historic military minds, who all sported beards, then be told beards are incompatible with military success. Then you'll go on an exercise with Allied nations who have beards, call them our indispensable partners, then with a straight face tell ourselves beards are unserious for military professionals. This example is just beards but uniforms are the same. Go find paintings of the continental army defeating forces of the tyrant King George and tell me which military has the most standardized uniforms, lol. The answer to your question is the moment you embrace ideas asserted without proof, cannot rationally convince those who ask for proof, trust only those who share your idea and ignore your own obvious intellectual hypocrisy... that's the moment you've gone full retard in pursuit of rank. At that point even losing multiple wars is insufficient to free your mind, you've been captured and are unfit to lead despite what rank or position you hold. This is the unfortunate state of our Air Force.
  5. 2 same. Air Attack mission looks awesome.
  6. They did, although maybe I'm articulating myself poorly. When the -22 first arrived operationally there were stakeholders pushing it to do missions it would not be paired with today. Results were suboptimal, resulting in the "loss" of those missions to assets more appropriately suited: the 160th. Today that does not happen and the Osprey has evolved into a distinct capability; but like a lot of things fielded during the GWOT "how do we use this?" was a work in progress. I'm sure you were around when they showed up in Afghanistan then left before coming back; the above was my observation watching staff decisions. Bold Moves: I'm not defending it, but it seemed like the least bad of several bad options. Status quo with the 22 was unfordable. MC rate is so unreliable, the Command had to do something. I linked the 2020 mission because it was bad ass and kudos to you guys for pulling it off. But calls for that are rare and with shrinking budgets everywhere something had to give. What do you think AFSOC should have done instead?
  7. What everyone else said. Controversial take: their infil/exfil mission is cool but with a MX reliability rate forcing 3 to make 1, they lose a lot of great missions to the 160th and there aren’t any fixes to that situation. If you want to periodically fly a unique airframe and you’re good being an O-4 with 800 hours, a few deployments sitting alert, maybe one or two real world under your belt and tons of sim time… go CV22. If you want to fly a LOT in actual airplanes, do a LOT of awesome real world shit and be an O4 with 3500 hours… go any other AFSOC aircraft.
  8. It’s official: Biden is the worst POTUS in our nations history.
  9. 100% agree with your sarcasm; this Las Vegas one seems weird as fuck. Also his corpse has a GSW that killed him before the explosion. Wut. I'm sure Nancy nose ring from the FBI will get it all sorted with full transparency...
  10. I was AD and as a Capt I close-door squared away an out of control SNCO. No repercussions to me. And even had there been, good. Embrace it. Too many officers use fear of “the system” to excuse their own weak behavior. We’re warriors facing death, dealing violence and inspiring others to follow. Grow up and embrace your potential is my advice to officers shying from confrontation for fear of reaction within their chain of command. Do the right thing for the right reason, or at least be able to spin it that way! Men of action shouldn’t live in fear. Doing so is a choice. Choose differently.
  11. There were so many videos of prisoners being freed from horrid conditions- legs sawed off, faces burned by acid, etc. CNN finding the single fake one in that flood of legit humanitarian sorrow is why they truly are fake news. And I’ve looked for additional fakes, can’t find them.
  12. I don't understand why the government can't simply say "there are programs we can't talk about" and ending it at that. Much is hysterics, I can't even imagine the phone calls FBI is getting. That said, there is something happening.
  13. There are a shockingly high number of retarded pilots. But there are also things that don't make sense, and non-retarded people asking legit questions.
  14. Good find. I have no idea what's happening there; you suspect mass hysteria?
  15. All valid. However, why the official gov response that no one knows the origin? The FBI & NJ Governor saying they can't figure this out can't be true.
  16. You'd think if there were really a mysterious hoard of unknown (possible enemy) aircraft operating in northern NJ there would be some impact to traffic into EWR. Nope, ops normal no one cares. The aircraft are obviously ours and our government is obviously lying about it.
  17. Post em! I love watching robots get wrecked.
  18. Try this link, many taken down but it's pretty comprehensive.
  19. One must respect the pure pragmatism of the Israeli's seizing an opportunity to destroy massive amounts of military hardware. Our failure to act in a similarly decisive way after ousting Gaddafi from Libya had years long ramifications across the Sahel and ME. I do wonder if Israel is over extending itself by expanding its occupation of Syrian territory, time will tell. Separate but related: impossible to watch videos from Sednaya prison and not feel empathy towards HTS freeing them. Assad was clearly evil, HTS also evil, IS evil... I don't think we can contribute anything helpful in that AO and I think we should leave.
  20. It was experimented with by a different organization and had U28 folks involved in their IZ assessment. It failed, program canceled. Definitely not a U28 in that hard mud, but we had one sink landing on a sand LZ in Arlit and after an inspection it flew back. And these OA1Ks are more analogous to the NMC PC12 right? We put a few of those off into the dirt training and they were quite robust. We did need a prop change in the incidents I'm aware of; just under 1 mil both times & aircraft were flying by weeks end. Concur on how robust the 802 is. Remains to be seen if AFSOC leadership can wrap their minds around a totally different risk calculus than CV/MC/AC.
  21. Your reply didn’t answer the question; why should we fund the defense of those unwilling to do it themselves? you can call it isolationism with a snarky jab, but try explaining your reply in a way that convinces a voter. Keep in mind we’re broke as a nation, unwilling/unable to rebuild in WNC & Maui, etc. Go with an unemotional argument for why I should pay taxes to help Europeans (instead of US citizens) defend themselves when they are perfectly capable but choose not to.
  22. Then Europe will get what it deserves. why should we fund their defense when they could do it themselves but choose not to?
  23. Thank you. 1. probably not, but certainly there should be a debate. A lot of the disagreement on this (and other issues) stems from assumed consensus and immediate insults for those who disagree. That behavior makes people resentful. We should focus on dialogue and convincing others by the merit of argument, so thank you again for the post. To your first & second question: I don’t want to police the world, but I do recognize Russia & Europe occupies a more sensitive place in national security than sat, Sudan. Something had to be done. Sanctions would be ok if they worked. Fighting is ok if we don’t escalate to WW3. My answer is a humble one: I don’t know and I’m not sure. Ergo, although I reflexively think we should avoid wars given our recent track record of bad intel and failed adventures I’m open to any COA. I’m not open to being bullied into submission by the same folks who did that for IZ. 2. will he stop at UKR? I think so. I never thought he’d invade a NATO country, and I’m certain he’d be absolutely smoked if he tried. I think more countries worry about us invading than worry about RUS invading, and that should cause introspection here. I’m not morally equivocating between us, but I am acknowledging that not everyone sees as we do and it’s worth considering their perspectives. 3. impact of UKR under Putin control? Not good for the idea of international rules based behavior (which is a load bearing concept of the entire current order). However, what is the risk this escalates into direct conflict with us? I’d rather UKR fall than WW3 start… but I understand the other POV is what if WW3 starts because we didn’t stop an invading madman early? Ultimately I don’t know the right play and I’m glad not to be the one deciding strategy. However I trust no one who relies on emotional assertions rather than cogent articulated logic.
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