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tac airlifter

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Everything posted by tac airlifter

  1. I agree. Just because the guy running this experiment is legit doesn’t mean I’m naive enough to think the AF will learn the right lessons and make smart decisions. The organization is broken. Regardless, VR is becoming mature enough for incorporation into training syllabi.... but how to leverage its strengths and avoid weaknesses will take some study. Applications aren’t limited to pilot training either, at my last job we were using it to familiarize new guys with the layout of large ships & subs. There’s all kinds of interesting applications and I’m glad the AF is experimenting with it.
  2. They’re issuing each student a full VR kit: goggles, controls, computer, etc. Its a nice one, and expensive.
  3. Concur. However, VR beats chairflying with a poster. Also better than a SIM for some lessons. The key question is can this technology provide enough base knowledge to make flights more efficient? If you cut 25% of syllabus flights but replaced them with 400% increase in VR training, can you produce an equivalent (or better) product for less money? i don’t know the answer, but I’m glad we’re investigating the question. And I think we’ve got a team in Austin who will assess objectively.
  4. Thanks for your reply. I’ll look at the podcast when I can, hopefully later today. Appreciate your anecdote as well, I’ve genuinly never heard of this issue from a real person.
  5. Resistance to voter ID efforts are about enabling fraud and undermining our system. See, I can make dumb generalizations too! When you assume my intent and base your opposition to my concerns on this incorrectly assumed intent, discourse is impossible. Said another way, when the discussion starts by you telling me my concerns are not just invalid, but neferious, there can be no amicable resolution. Why don’t you try seeing the voter ID issue from my perspective? I see the potential disenfranchisement issue from yours, and I get it. As I said to NS, I don’t think it’s a serious issue but I could be wrong. How can we fix it? Basically, since we should agree that voting integrity is the foundational legitimacy of representative democracy, how can we compromise and ensure both our concerns are addressed? I’ll tell you how not to do it— starting the discussion by assuming my concerns are smokescreen for cheating my fellow citizens.
  6. Another great post because it chrystalzes the differences between us. I just don’t believe the link you posted about 3.2 million eligible voters unable to obtain appropriate ID. I’ve never in my life met someone in the US without ID required to vote, and my wife and I have worked with old and economically disadvantaged folks while volunteering in some run down locations. on the other hand, I think voter fraud is far more common than you assume. So I understand your POV, but we disagree on the facts so we’ve drawn different conclusions. Which is a consistent theme for most of our political disagreements.
  7. Out of curiosity, did you volunteer to recat to 11U? The light attack fly off crews are not exclusively 11F.
  8. Interesting read, thanks for posting. i don’t think we’ll buy light attack. Too bad.
  9. Upmass. It's really expensive to put stuff into orbit. Check sarcasm detector bro
  10. I admit total ignorance on the topic, but your comment shamed me into some reading on the article IV outer space treaty. So why haven’t we been dropping tungsten rods on white bongo trucks the last 15 years? I want the next JFIRE to have calls for fire TTPs for a damn space gun.
  11. Frankly I like the idea of breaking space roles away from the terrestrial services. I want the USAF to worry about airplanes. that said, aren’t there international treaties prohibiting the weaponization of space? Going to be weird having an unarmed military branch. I wonder what NASA thinks about this whole thing.
  12. I understand you have an answer for my observations of hypocrisy. When the same people tell me Christian bakers must celebrate a lifestyle their conscience opposes, then turn around and say it’s ok for a restaurant owner to deny service to folks whose beliefs they oppose...I see hypocrisy & none of your rationalizations are convincing. Our left/right bickering increasingly sounds like a married couple right before they divorce. Every small disagreement is war; which side will be the first to suggest an amicable separation? California seems poised to try. You can say you don’t like Maxine, but as our political polarization increases the moderate voices will be squashed in favor of brash assholes. I almost commented something similar to your FB post of the George Will article; George is definitely a relic from the era of compromise and he hates the anger of the GOP base. But folks are pissed on both sides and we can’t compromise. I don’t believe in the concept of a protected class, how can we even start to have this discussion? tough times ahead bro. I wish we could agree on more.
  13. Homosexuals are a protected class and people with seriously held religious convictions aren’t? Do we get to vote on who is a protected class? Do I have a say in who is allowed more equality than me? And can anyone reconcile the idea of a “protected class” with a society of equals? The hypocrisy in your viewpoint is staggering. Business owners either can or can’t dictate who they serve. In my opinion, they can and I’m fine with Sanders being tossed out. But your opinion apparently is that rules can change to enable outcomes you like. i enjoy listening to the debates in this thread, and I think the group here does it with more civility than anywhere else. So it’s interesting to cut to the heart of these debates on both sides, it allows us to understand the logic driving other viewpoints. That’s cool. But without standards applied equally this whole form of government falls apart.
  14. I don’t understand what this means, could you explain?
  15. We can’t, and we are. this is preceisly why open minded debate is so important. By the way, we’ve never had a public reckoning with past scientific certainties that turned out false: I recall being taught that acid rain would destroy crops by 1990 and the world would starve. How about that hole in the ozone layer 80s kids were forced to fear? “Every expert agrees this scary thing will happen soon, no time for questions, do what we say now!” has been a progressive TTP for a long time. Listening to each other politely and crafting arguments that convince is hard. Squashing disagreement and ordering compliance via fiat is easy. Which method would you prefer to be used on you?
  16. Very telling that a “what’s right with the AF” thread quickly sank into stories of what’s wrong. The organization is broken, and no one below O-6 is causal. Some are contributing.
  17. Yes. Everyone has different circumstances resulting in different calculations.
  18. I bet if we deleted the NAF and the Group, everything would work just fine.
  19. Excellent article by Naylor, thanks for posting. From senior levels to line operators, SEALs have behaved in a disgraceful manner regarding this incident. Truly shameful. No one would question their honor for making a tough call under fire and later finding out they’d been wrong. Shit happens, we get it. But they have blocked recognition for Chapman, and even gone back and changed their stories to shit on the guy because they couldn’t face facts: they left our man behind. Those few who have seen the AF product will tell you evidence for the USAF version is overwhelmingly convincing. Edited to add: for those unfamiliar with the author, he has written extensively on Anaconda and is respected by SOF leadership. Bottom line, credible dude, not a hack, worth reading the long article.
  20. Huggy if you come back on AD you should try your hand on a different aircraft. We’d love to have you in AFSOC.
  21. There is a lot of misunderstanding about joint jobs. They are mostly bad for a career in the AF unless timing and luck are on your side. Unless you’re a BTZ on your way to higher rank, I encourage folks to stay away from joint billets as O4/O5s (exception- if there’s a really cool job you want, go do it).
  22. Story time
  23. Damn, badass!
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