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tac airlifter

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Everything posted by tac airlifter

  1. Down 100$. What is grandfathering?
  2. Very interesting post. A few replies: 1. What Russian hacks are you talking about? I have seen no proof the Russians hacked anything, just accusations. Wikileaks and project veritas have rejected any claims the Russians helped them. Secondly, even if the Russians did steal democrat emails..... there is no evidence the information contained therein was altered. The democrats are ashamed their private words and behavior was publicized. I see no evidence Russia had any part in this, but even if they did.... I'm glad we got to see the truth. Would you really be mad if Russia hacked RNC emails and provided proof of a white nationalist conspiracy? Or would you be talking about how so many suspicions were now validated by evidence? Please genuinely think about your reaction if the tables were turned. 2. Some members of the "intelligence community" anynomously claiming proof of Russian hacks is not proof. "I have proof but it's too classified for me to show you" will NEVER work on the American public again, after the WMD fiasco in Iraq. Even if it's true, the legitimacy and trust is gone. You got proof? Show it. "Trust us, its there, but we can't tell you how we know." Nope. Snowden proved that these people routinely lie to us. 3. NATO is a joke, Russia hasnt undermined them, they have made themselves irrelevant. 4. I'm glad you admit you were wrong about Romney and his claim. Hillary and Obama were also wrong; remember the ridiculous Russian reset? So, if you were wrong then, why should anyone believe you now?
  3. Every contract is different; your experience is not universal. SNC contract MX at HRT is unbelievably amazing and they are making missions happen.
  4. So what?
  5. There is at least a 1% chance mad dog will walk the pentagon halls with a fire hose just blasting weaklings out the windows. Probably a 99% chance status quo is maintained. But that 1% is highly attractive! And no matter how it turns out, I doubt he'll spend energy on crafting the right tranny integration policy while we're losing wars everywhere, which is certainly how the past few years have looked.
  6. I'm not sure the AF is capable of bold changes anymore. Senior guys got to be senior by avoiding bold action and it's subsequent risk. They didn't rock the boat, didn't push boundaries, kept things safe and might not understand how to flip the tables over and fix a crisis. Time will tell. To your second point--- damn I wish the AF would do this with every staff billet! Now that I'm on staff, holy shit it is managed in such a retarded fashion! Yea, yea, no one likes staff and we've heard it before, but I'm talking about managing what staff billet exists for what reason. A force wide audit is desperately needed.
  7. Do you think it would help your community if this bonus was accompanied by a construct similar to our (rated) gate month concept? Some way to ensure that your guys taking the bonus have an institutional mechanism to spend a minimum amount of time doing the primary job they joined to do?
  8. I'm all about DT making liberals cry, but it's tough to equate that with burning down terrorists. That said, now we can do both!
  9. How do you know any of this?
  10. Funny how many things are awesome to have done but suck to do.
  11. Drinking bourbon from the skulls of vanquished enemies after a day of strafing downtown Raqqa in my open canopy P-51. Obviously.
  12. Can you provide context for that message? I'm confused.
  13. I'm sure many will disagree with me, but if you must do a 365, that's a good one to get. You'll become a better IP, get some cool stories, fly a bunch. Good luck dude.
  14. "Flight discipline" is one of those catch all phrases that when I see in an FEF I call the EP and ask what really happened. Its not the red flag you think it is. Could be a big deal, could be nothing. Importantly, a Q3 for flight discipline in AETC could easily be a Q1E for judgement in SOF...... so, get over yourself. And I say that in a polite way. I get that you think something unfair happened. It's common unfortunately, but it still sucks. Sorry. However, going after the other guy is extremely poor form.
  15. Shit talking another flyer by leaking private information on a public forum? Bold move for a first post, I'm sure it will impress everyone.
  16. I don't disagree with your sentiment or that of your dad, but in the name of accuracy--- those aren't titles of the CSAF reading list. Those are featured TED talks. The books are Here. And they're mostly pretty good.
  17. Ahh, yea forgot about those. Wish more folks were using them!
  18. What exactly do you mean by "forward deployed?" Can the shadow V3 land on semi-prepared strips?
  19. I mostly agree. Don't forget--- you don't need faster transit speed if you're forward staged. Not super practical with an RPA but certainly an option manned platforms exercise regularly, with an added benefit of cementing relationships directly with the GFC. And it's almost always possible provided commanders are willing to accept a little increased risk. We've seen huge benefits and accomplished things otherwise not possible by using this approach. WRT the 22k weapon.... I assume you're talking about a GBU12 or 49? As much as I want an OA-X, but think we'll never see it, I also agree with brabus that we're making things work fine right now tactically. Our problems are many, but we aren't in a position where if we just had one extra toy we'd turn the corner on OCOs. We have the capabilities. We lack the will. And not just politics, I mean at the operational level we lack will. The will to tear up the ISR sync matrix and think about these wars differently. We can always count on smart tacticians to find a better way to employ what we have; even if those systems aren't optimal we can train people to surmount obstacles. I'm just hoping one day someone at a high level says "we've been doing the same thing and getting the same outcome for years..... anyone want to rethink this whole effort?" That's what we need. The balls to say that we're losing, we're sick of it, and we're willing to challenge every assumption and slay every philosophical sacred cow to win. Because damn it, we want to win. And hope to be part of that day is the only reason I've stayed.
  20. So that's what I did. The answer is carbine buffer spring with H2 buffer will cycle fine with this system using a carbine length buffer tube, but other buffer weights won't. Glad I asked. Now I guess I should buy a new tool to get the castle nut off.... these pistol buffers are wider than carbine buffers, although it's the same castle nut I can't get my tool over the buffer tube! So I'll need an open ended wrench.
  21. Don't believe the propaganda. Across the board cuts meant something had to give, it was Welsh who decided that something should be the A10 and he had plenty of choice. Of all the dumb shit we could stop doing, he chose flying A10s??? So to him, everything else we do is more important: VIP lift, ICBMs, etc. He should have fallen on his sword about BRAC. That would create true savings without hurting the war effort.
  22. Agreed CH. A light attack aircraft is so obviously suited for the last 15 years of war (and our projected future) that willful resistance is the only reason we don't have them in our arsenal. Talking about OA-X to 5th gen fighter guys is like talking to cult members. "It's unsurvivable in a modern IADS Kaliningrad type scenario!" Well, so is most of our stuff. And those high end wars are still theoretical. Here in the real world we need that capability, not just for CAS but light ISR strike and SCAR. this issue is insoluble for now, it has totally surpassed the realm of rationale discussion. There is a strongly emotional desire espoused by a cadre of true believers to see contested airspace as more likely than it is, combined with an emotionally based hope our current pattern of endless engagement in low end conflict is waning rather than waxing. Those folks look at the world and just don't see it the way it is; an ironic problem for a service so vocal about the value of education..... but I digress. OPs article links are wishful thinking. None of the senior guys are having it. Some of the most successful aircraft prosecuting current wars (RPAs & U28s) have been forced on senior USAF GOs rather than envisioned and embraced by them. End result: We are losing wars while simultaneously driving our best people away.
  23. What do you mean it hits close to home? You mean an aircraft projected for IOC in 2030 might be flown by people offended with the name association of a 2008 crash? Not trying to be rude, I'm just perplexed by what the issue is. I think raider sounds badass.
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