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tac airlifter

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Everything posted by tac airlifter

  1. Noted, and exactly what I expected from you. What do you fly? I only use the WX shop OCONUS.
  2. That's a good perspective. I was an airlifter before & during the OIF surge, so I heard stories about what McChrystal did but had no actual experience with the fight except as vouyer. I was excited to be working for him in 09, but the reality didn't fit the stories. Listened to him speak on several occasions, he was, at that point, a true believer in COIN which I have come to believe is a fundamentally flawed theory of war. The teams I worked for were utterly disgusted. The pace increased when he left and Petraeus came on. At that level though, it's more about how much aggression you allow vice how much you actually lead. The best GOs provide intent and wide boundaries for the few who get things done. Either way, talking to the media and putting pussy on a pedestal took down 2 major leaders; losing sight of the basics has consequences.
  3. When I worked for McChrystal he had completely bought into the COIN model (without paring it to CT) and was denying air support for guys on the ground under fire for fear of hitting not just civilians, but cultural & historic sites; in a country destroyed by decades of war this became ridiculous quickly as many structures were already wrecked. Id heard he was a straight killer in Iraq, or more accurately, facilitated those who were. All I can say is, his methods were universally despised and did not achieve results in OEF. When petraeus took them helm, the leash was loosed significantly and we did more business in a month than the previous 6. Does any of it make a strategic difference? Not my place to answer. But guys who loved McChrystal in 06 started hating him in 09.
  4. think big picture. Exactly.
  5. Valid, but he was giving Art 15's to single guys in OEF for GO1 violations while he had his own thing going on. Hypocrisy is an embarrassing trait to be remembered for, especially in light of his numerous impressive accomplishments.
  6. Totally disagree. I thought world war z was an excellent book. Maybe it's because I'm not a huge fan of the genre so I had exceedingly low expectations. I liked that he didn't explain the finer points, it was all personal stories. The trailer looks cool, but it also looks like a trailer for a different story.
  7. We were just talking about this on a flight yesterday. The size of the current iPad is really the only detractor. And ive got nothing but praise for Foreflight; dropping into little fields like 57GA or GE99 it's essential, those places don't even exist in the AFD. AMC sounds like they are queepy about nonsense like they've always been. It was a good starter assignment, but glad I GTFO as soon as I could.
  8. I'm sure you're tired of hearing it, but you're an idiot. Not everything can be searched on the internet. A lot of guys here know each other or know of each other; yet it blows your mind that the word of a fellow FGO is credible to me? How many AARs on DNET are you reading? Just because you can't google it, it didn't happen? Dont even get me started on award citations. GFY. I know this is controversial, but I think SN torpedo IPA is the best IPA out there. Well played.
  9. Sounds like a cool career, glad to have you on the board!
  10. TIME weighs in with their opinion: https://nation.time.com/2012/10/29/too-tired-to-fly/
  11. Everything is digital except the standby ADI & pressurization panel on a U28.
  12. How did you already lose leave?
  13. Why should anyone do anything for you? You asked about one members qualifications. You got an answer. Instead of responding in kind, you continue to dodge, dive, duck and dodge. Your advice is garbage, and you are an idiot.
  14. Yes. Took me 10 months start to finish. I highly recommend it, the instruction techniques class was actually pretty interesting. A better box checking experience than I expected.
  15. Copy. I'm 3 glasses of wild turkey tradition into my evening. I'm sure it was obvious to the sober members.
  16. This guy is an idiot. Your response is spot on, but personally, I'd prefer he not come back after finding SA.
  17. Why are you asking me?
  18. Does the Died still qualify for HFP/IDP?
  19. He's not a troll. His opinion is exactly that of many senior leaders I've met. I'm actually glad he's posting so people can see the kind of mentally retarded logic prevalent in the senior ranks. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this guy was an 05 or 06 stuffed away somewhere in HQ. it's important to understand where he is coming from, not because I care what they tell me to wear or any of these queep issues he's addressing, but because this same logic is used against operators on actual missions. When I see guys frustrated that senior leaders are exerting micro control over tactical weaponeering solutions and preventing best results due entirely to their own personal incompetence and ignoranceI say "decide now if you can stomach this bullshit for more than your commitment, because they don't even trust you to dress yourself in your own free time." Case in point- this asshole. Personally, i still think the service is worth putting up with these types. I love my job and think its worthy of my best effort. Plus I get to be around, for the most part, some really great people. But I frequently see good guys frustrated by leaders who are just as blatantly idiotic as this one.
  20. He wasn't " selected or non selected based on merit.". He was selected or non selected based on his records, just like the rest of us. Difference is his records were incomplete, he was too new to the AF to know how to correct it himself, and his leadership failed to ensure his job titles, etc. were correctly input. So I'd say he has a decent case for an appeal, it certainly wouldn't hurt to try, and your advice is terrible.
  21. Seriously. That was unbelievable.
  22. Considering a new pistol. I'm looking at three: the FN FNP, FNX, & HK P30 (maybe even the P30L). Any experiences with these would be appreciated.
  23. numerous flaws in your data have already been mentioned, so I won't pile on except to say maybe you should read the comments in the article you linked. Lots of the same feedback you've heard here. I will say though, in reference to the statement above, this exhibits exactly the false logic so many of your support brethren manifest..... Simply 'being there' does NOT equate to value. All valid from both a SOF and MAF perspective. Good post. Doesn't sound lame to me at all, sounds like that CC knew what was most important in his organization. You actually do those checklists? I recommend reading rainmans posts about knowing which rules you can BFM instead of complaining about them (caveat, I'm not a fighter guy but I still get the concept). I used to send one member of my crew to get his signed, then photocopy for everyone. Then I figured out I could sign them all myself and no one was the wiser. Finally I learned that if I turn it in blank, they still let me on the rotator; so I've pretty much achieved enlightenment WRT out processing checklists. Edit to add: notice I'm not "liking" my own post? It's a bit cheesy.
  24. Bingo. Douche move towards your bro's and former bosses. He is out.
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